What makes you happy?

I’m sitting here doing some digital artwork, as usual, but then this wave of sadness washes over me out of nowhere. Usually music keeps me peppy, but it’s only kind of working this time. What do you guys do when you’re down in the dumps? Maybe I can get an idea from y’all.


I go through phases like that some times, what helps me is watching cartoons.

Ed edd and eddy always gives me a good laugh.


contributing positively. helping others. having a sense of purpose.

also knowing that what i did paid off, ngl.


When things go bad, I listen to this.


I watch Brooklynn Nine-Nine, especially the Jake & Doug Judy episodes.


Emoji probably gave the best answer for a quick fix: laughter is truly the best medicine! Highly recommend Brooklyn 99 if you haven’t seen it.

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Talking to my family on the phone. Hunging with the husband. My cat. Singing songs in my head.

I watch that Kakegurui anime on Netflix because it is beyond silly and it just makes me giggle. It’s inappropriate for sure, but I can’t help but laugh and enjoy how outrageous the show is.

I’ll have to put that down on my list of movies I need to watch, there’s a bunch of good ones lmao

TV series! Available on hulu, maybe elsewhere. You’ll know if you like it almost immediately though :slight_smile:

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:musical_note: If it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad… :musical_note:

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Stuff I can’t talk about on these forums.


I exercise, get a nice sweat going to distract yourself, and you feel immortal afterwards. Or go for a bike ride/ skateboarding session

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My wife. /10chars


Trolling on the WoW forums. This is all I ever wanted in life, so yea I’m pretty happy with myself. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Chicken fried rice


Whe a new guild member joins discord and it’s a girls voice
:star_struck: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :hugs:

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I PvP and take my frustrations out on my enemies.

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There ya go champ, lots of females will join your guild now.

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Shortstacks. Shortstacks make me happy.

Goblins, Gnomes, Vulpera, dwarves. Even pandaren despite not having the short part down quite right.

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I’m not sure how to explain it but as of the last full year I’ve been running on a high.

I used to work in a place that overworked me, did give good money and had good people in it. I was in a really bad place mentally.

Since changing from there, I find myself having so much more brain retail for my personal life and I’ve only been bouncing between feeling neutral and happy for the vast majority of time.

How did I cope back then?

  • I would go out with my friends, often to just talk.

  • I’d play WoW during my days off (and immerse myself mentally).

  • I’d vent to my parents on the phone.

  • I’d cry in the car in the parking lot.