What makes the Trading Post a major feature?

Why the content it has to be new first off?.. Like, seriously, are you unable to enjoy something unless it’s fresh or new?..

You do know “indie developer” meme is just a meme, right? It’s not meant to be taken seriously? They don’t have limited resources, it’s not a zero sum game here where your raid tier gets sarifaced in order to give us something like this. Plus your 0.1 patch is on the way, so you will get your new content. This is something just to fill in the gaps.

As for “this system is not new”… do you not think i didn’t know that? I even made it a point to mention in my thread. Wanna read it? No? Well tough Patchwork boss mechanics, here ya go. :point_down:

Also, this community is fine with old content being recycled since like WoD. I mean it’s not like old things is being recycled anyways in form of art assets, skeletons, dungeon mechanics, and so on. Does quests count as orgrinal because it’s written text is different while the mechanics are no or less different from picking up poop from 20 years ago?..

You’re welcome to be wrong here friend. But as i’ve said before, it’s a list of mini-meta challenges where if you do them, you get special rewards or get points to spend those rewards.

I’ve never said you said it. I bought this up in the event if that is your thought. Since it’s not, then it’s just me saying “i don’t understand the stance you have that this is something that is inherently bad” then.

Again, why do you think it’s inherently bad to have these meta-mini challenges to get rewards that encourages you playing the game? What is FOMO about it?.. Plus, isn’t there a freeze mechanic that prevents the item you want expiring?..

Look, if i dislike the feature, i would… just ignore it. Simple as that. No FOMO there.

Plus, again, what is wrong with Blizzard making good content?.. I mean given that you think it’s no different then what we already got in Dragonflight, and given how many people like Dragonflight… are you saying the content in Dragonflight has is bad?..

If that’s the opinion you have, then… why are you subbed?