What makes retail more successful than classic?

.More active players
.Less toxicity
.Better dev team

What other features/ideas contribute to classic being a statistically sub-par version of the game than retail?

Obviously the graphics in retail are also better… what else??

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retail is terrible and worse in every aspect of the game
rightout worse
it would need to improve 300% to be called bad





You are giving it too much credit.

Cope, you’re playing a dead version of a 20 year old game. Retail is far superior.


no, its not
nothing, literally nothing makes sense in retail
pvp is even worse in that case
retail feels like power rangers in the lost galaxy on how forced everything is


another ez flag, be better at trolling

youre garbage

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Lmao kid you’re probably hardstuck 900 CR on Retail if you think that PvP is hard.

TBC PvP is so dogsht your entire PvP scene is comprised of the same 2 classes and virtually no one else is balanced enough to answer them until next expansion lmao.

Again stop coping, TBC is a trash xpac and WoTLK won’t be any better.

All your achievements/hours are wasted on Classic and you know it too, literally no one gives a fk what you do on here.

i had 2550 in retail in less than 50 games
i got the toon still
still hate it

Like people out here getting Warglaives and mounts in Classic yet no one will ever care, literally no one.

If you didn’t achieve that stuff in Retail it’s irrelevant, Ironforgepro shows Classic TBC as being dead across all servers.

The numbers are low, everyone GDKPs and there’s virtually no social interaction outside of your guild chat or discords.


thats my toon, in case you wanna check

No one has ever cared about what anyone has ever done on Retail or Classic, gaming period is a waste of time. It’s entertainment plain and simple.


no one cares on what you think of our achievs, or time spent


PVP in retail is actually far better than classic.

Racials and class brokenness are far less important/noticeable in retail. Whereas, as an undead Spriest, I have far greater survivability than almost any other race - as well as an extra DOT.

PVP in retail requires more skill - no cap.

This might be true but Retail still will always have more players and always be more relevant, Classic servers are like unmoderated trashy Private servers, virtually nothing you do on here will ever matter to anyone including yourself.

Salty cause the truth hurts huh?

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i played both and i disagree
retail is just cd trading
nothing special to see here

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So is TBC you :clown_face:

TBC PvP only has virtually a couple relevant classes, everything else is so unbalanced and not even worth playing at any high levels.

MASSIVE COPIUM Overdose happening to you there bud, take a break from it and gather your thoughts.

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link us your achievements in retail
im curious
ive shown mine, i wanna see yours

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this shows how bad you are at trolling, truly, know nothing about priv servers, that’s plainly clear by your “opinion”. Nothing substantive to input, just insulting people, already lost any arguments or leg to stand on by that alone.


TBF, undead rogues > all other race/class combos in TBC by a long shot. Pretending like this isn’t hugely broken in classic is just… copium. Retail has far better balance.

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