I and others are enjoying ourselves, which is far more than I can say about the crap that was BfA or Shadowlands and that is the only point that matters. If you haven’t figured it out yet nothing on retail matters to anyone, it might matter to you for some crazy reason but no one else gives a care in the world about what you have achieved.
I play to have fun, and as long as that is happening I could care less if it matters.
and who cares about what you get in retail? retail people? yeah like you said wow is irrelevant no matter what and nobody cares. it being retail doesn’t make it more prestigious. its still a trash video game that we nerd play
if you wanted some recognition youd go create something irl, but youre here answering to strangers on a dead game forum.
Says the kid crying about Retail, cope harder. TBC is trash and nothing you’ve ever accomplished on these Classic servers will ever mean a damn thing.
More players, more people care about it? Lmao what a clownshow, you kids are playing on scattered dead servers where most people just swipe and GDKP and the class balance is absolute trash but you wanna sit here and cry together over how great it all is.
lmao you’re hardstuck in the past, let it go. You lost your hairline the same time Vanilla ended, nothing you do on these servers will ever make you “Relive the magic”, it’s done.