Lots of negativity on the forums, lets take a break!
What made you the most happy today? I’ll start.
Someone called me “Budget Garrosh” and I’ve never been happier nor prouder of myself to be related so closely to our most glorious and revered Warchief! 
I guess finding out that I needed to rescan my addon directory or wowup for it to show the correct versions of addons
My life is probably pretty close to the movie Groundhogs Day so there isn’t much of a difference day to day.
I made a rogue mad enough in a Bg to /spit on me multiple times. It felt good. Killing rogues is so much fun after getting melted by them last expac.
I woke up to a pair of snuggling cats purring away in happy bliss. A fantastic way to start any day.

Haven’t played yet because I’m at work. But what’s going to make me happy is it’s Tuesday. Which means mount runs galore when I get home. And who knows, maybe I’ll be lucky today.
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I’m happy to be alive!
Edit - I’m no longer happy since I’m out of likes…
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I just woke up, so my hot cup of coffee
Oh! Did I mention I’m vacationing right now on a beach in Mazatlan, Mexico?!?
*Yep the forums work down here too! 
nothing yet. Wife makes me miserable.
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Well heard from someone that I hadn’t from in over two weeks, was really good.
I am sick of hearing people using Wife Aggro as an excuse to abandon raids.
i only raid when she isnt home lol.
And even then i tend to just do 1-3 pug bosses at a time.
I woke up today. Any day above dirt is a good day. My family and friends are all doing well. I have work and I’m a valued employee at my company. Our work saves thousands of lives a day around the world.
Besides that. Driving my Solstice always makes me happy. 
I mean what can I say that made me more happier than today when I woke up this morning found out I’m Jeff Bezos.
So I wanted to be a Unique rich guy and not like the other guys and just cure cancer with money.
It’s like 9:36AM, but I will bet my day will be as average as all my other days.
Still Breathing
bubble hearth out!
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You looks like a HD version of Yurnero…
Isn’t Yurnero just a blade master though?
Does your wife not respect your hobby and your time?
Yurnero isn’t just a blademaster, Yurnero is the original Blademaster!
I made it through my first walk and to Starbucks to start my day. Now to brave the dragons of work with people who are math challenged (some of whom actually work in accounting lol).