What limitations for Addons?

Which is why this worries me.


Ugh. I get what you’re trying to understand. Ignore the willfully obtuse.


I’m not trolling. The decision they made was clear. People are being dense on purpose because they don’t like what was decided.

but muh questie
muh gatherer
muh DBM

It’s a very dumb strategy and I’m not falling for it.

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People who write addons? This is not exactly the target crowd, is it? Blizzard was thinking about the players and their experience.


They’ve already discussed how they are wanting Threat meters to work like they did in vanilla, so removing addon communication would go against what they had just said the day before. Threat addons REQUIRE communication to work.


People wrote addons before Vanilla was released. Get off your high horse.

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Unfortunately, in this case that actually translates to you not understanding the situation.


But what you aren’t grasping is the fact that plenty of RP addons have to communicate with one another to work correctly. Look at the server OP is on and put two and two together. They’ve mentioned RP like 3 times now. Nobody is talking about a LFG addon here. :man_facepalming:t2:


Removing just the auto invite thingy wouldn’t fix the complaint of people with no clue though.

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Naw this all seems like a big strawman. Making it sound like they’re going to break “your favorite” addon to get us to back an LFG addon, lmao.

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I don’t care. No LFG.

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And in your logic those people Blizzard should cater to? There have been a lot of things before Vanilla, and everything that has been before Vanills is good? Hard to understand that point.


So you are a 100% changer and don’t care about an authentic experience. Did you even play Vanilla?


doesn’t matter in the end what the complaint is, their specific course for addons was basically “we want things that provide info, but not detract from social situations”, so removing the auto-invite is honestly right in line with Blizzards own statements

straw man
/ˌstrô ˈman/
noun: strawman

an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument.

Addons for vanilla were written during the beta. Vanilla had addons.

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Will never happen in the life of wow. So many face palms.


You’re the one trying to get LFG in Classic. Don’t gaslight me.

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Cool you can google. Now if only the strawman wasn’t your argument.

I don’t care about LFG, but the addon communication capability has a lot of other applications for legitimate Vanilla addons.


Wow. Nvm. Reading will only be your friend if you let it