What lands the Kaldorei currently hold in Kalimdor?

Without Darnassus, their capital and most populated center, I assume most returned to their ancient homes in Hyjal and Ashenvale?


This seems to be the best option for the Night Elves. Unless they settle them in the Broken Isles in Val’Sharah. I kinda feel like Hyjal is a better fit though.


Who cares unless Blizzard is going to revamp the world?


Well… This is the Story subsection and… I’m interested in the story of one of my favorite races?


Yes they all went to Hyjal and live there.
Idk where because last we were there there weren’t any houses there.

Cenarion circle is there which has Horde members so who knows how acceptable that is to the refugees that decided to leave SW.

There that’s the story now.
This is all in the shadows rising book.


Officially, we know that they took back Darkshore, and that at least some of them are living on Hyjal. Unofficially, it’s VERY likely that they’ve retaken Ashenvale as well. But as far as I know, that hasn’t been said explicitly in the lore.


What does retaken even mean?

Plant a flag down?

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Currently, the Kaldorei successfully managed to retake Darkshore and have now settled in Nordrassil. So I’d imagine they have a significant civilian presence in Hyjal (likely neutral, they don’t actually own it), and a significant military presence in Darkshore (likely not neutral, they DO own it). Ashenvale is unconfirmed.

Exploring Kalimdor is coming out later this year, so it’s likely they’ll clarify a lot of who holds what.

Dude, just because you hate the story doesn’t mean you gotta be an insufferable tool over a normal question. This question could still be asked if you liked the story, you’re just whining for the sake of whining.


As far as holding goes, only Darkshore.

They didn’t retake Ashenvale, some seemingly moved to Hyjal, but it’s a neutral zone.

I find it unfathomable that they don’t have Ashenvale. Like the idea that the Horde is still there while Thrall is simultaneously begging Tyrande for forgiveness is patently absurd.


Good question! Blizzard hasn’t said.

The Kaldorei took back Darkshore. Ashenvale should have never been in question. The war effort was in Darkshore and if they couldn’t hold that there’s no way they could do anything in Ashenvale.

They are now currently in Hyjal, probably building a permanent settlement, I hope.

I don’t agree. Yeah the Circle has a presence in the area but it’s actually Kaldorei land, just as Moonglade is. The Circle or the horde members could be forced out.

Thank you for saying it because it needed to be said. Just being a dick for no reason.


Personally, I’d love to see them settle up in Val’Sharah and restore the temple of Elune there, along with Black Rook Hold to hold masses of their people.

I’d like to see some various updates to the world for continuity of sorts, and just have Bronze Dragonflight peeps to vary between the ‘time-space’ for those that want to access old content.


Blizzaard does have a history of ignoring Thrall’s hypocrisy, as well as not fact-checking their own work.


Eh, the guy is lost his shamanism and has been depressed since WoD and lost Doomhammer. He more then most characters have probably have to deal with the consequences of his choices.

Also, October isnt too far away. I expect an update/maybe short story about Rexxar/Zekhan.

i don’t remember where but i think i remember reading somewhere that both alliance and horde returned to their old border before the war. IF true, then night elf have regained darkshore and ashenvale, but since those area got seriously devasted/ravaged by the horde blitzkrieg, they settling up on hyjal, a more secure location until they figure what to do next

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I mean I like Thrall as a character, but depression is hardly an excuse for hypocrisy. The man showed up to Hyjal thinking that what was owed was just a YouTuber level apology on behalf of the Horde, then got pissed when Tyrande wasn’t satisfied. At the very least, Thrall is very tone deaf as of late.


Which needs to change. Hyjal needs to be a Night Elf only zone and any Horde aligned Cenarion Circle members booted out or executed if they refuse to leave.

Let’s be real they’re trying to find a way to make a Horde only zone. They’ve been trying to since Cata.


My hope:

Ashenvale and Darkshore night elf land

my Expection

Ashenvale is in cata mod again and shared
darkshore is retaken.


I was wheeze laughing reading this but i 100% agree :rofl:

To the OP’s question, from what we’ve seen it looks like the Night Elves are calling Hyjal their new home. Which im fine with. I prefer that over them simply regrowing Teldrassil. I think that would be extremely lame if both the Nelves and Forsaken just rebuild the EXACT same cities they lost. If this is the case with Hyjal though, i hope we get to see an actual city there sometime. Especially if there’s a timeskip when we return from SL.

Maybe the Night Elves would control or also have a stronger presence in Felwood & Winterspring? Would be nice to see something going on in those places. They’ve felt irrelevant for quite some time now.