What lands the Kaldorei currently hold in Kalimdor?

Which would be funny because then the Horde once again wouldn’t keep their promises, and it would make even less sense for the Alliance and Night Elves to just have forgiven them, but bad writing explains a lot I guess.

Its not about hating the story. Its about the source being unreliable.
“Night Elves have retaken Darkshore” what does that mean? They planted a flag?
Horde isn’t fighting anymore and whoever used to live there is probably dead until lore is retconned again.
Or is all this about checking a box of who theoretically owns what.

So really who knows and cares? Nothing is consistent? It just keeps changing.
OP could have answered their own question with a quick google search.

Doubtful. I do however believe it’ll probably remain contested and personally want it to.

I think it’s one of, if not the, best contested zones Blizz ever designed. The factions are nominally headquartered in the east and west part of the zone but have outposts, some with flight masters, scattered around eachother’s territory.

Additionally they remembered to make the Alliance and Horde quest content around the same level requirement. So if you do encounter hostile players it’ll be a fair fight unless they’re gankers. But the best part has to be the nature of the zone. You can use it’s trees to hide or set up ambushes and loose pursuers in the foliage.

It’s just such a perfectly designed conflict zone.

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Dude, come on. The OP asked a reasonable and harmless question and the lore, which is what we do here, and decided to be a dick. And for what? Totally unnecessary.

Val’Sharah really isn’t big enough, made small by the yet to be healed Nightmare and BRH didn’t evergreen match their current aesthetic. Plus if they leave northern Kalimdor they abandon their lands to the Horde. That’s just not an option.


Why do you think a Horde Poster suggested it?

Theyre on hyjal, and theyre very angry, thats all we know.

We didn’t see it happen, just get told about it.
So quite frankly it doesn’t really matter unless Blizzard revamps the world for it.
Alliance rules the galaxy. Does that make any changes to the game or our current experience? Nope. So does it matter? Nope.

Are they though? Because we don’t see them unless they become relevant in the next expansion or patch where we are told “Actually that didn’t happen”.
Anyone read wolfheart? Remember what a big deal Jarod and Maeiv’s conflict was? What happened in Legion when they finally met up?
Jarod: “Sup sis”
Maeiv: “Sup bro”
-The End.

Things happening is not quite what I would say… perhaps not happening is more accurate.

[quote=“Grandblade-wyrmrest-accord, post:27, topic:894348”]
If OP could have answered their own question with a quick Google search (which doesn’t make the question as a thread any less valid), that means there’s a definite answer. Which means you’re just being a dick.[/quote]

Takes two to tango. First response wasn’t dickish, it was more observational, the rest followed as it was appropriate.

So you are saying consistency matters. Great.

The most logical thing to do by Night Elves is to return to the places they called home before Teldrassil and those zones include Hyjal and Moonglade.
As much as I want those zones to be back on Kaldorei territory I still want horde druids to remain there. Something like Enclaves or sactuaries. If any class can be neutral it’s druid. Well at least between Night Elves and Tauren and to an extent Worgens and Trolls.


Do people who are closely associated or even had a direct hand with burning a world tree even deserve to be druids? NE Druids were also fighting in Darkshore warfront against the Horde so I would not call them neutral.

Dude, like, who hurt you?


Ben spinning BS kind of ticked me off.

Neutrality does not mean you will roll over and let others step on you. You have the right to defend yourself.
And I mentioned horde druids because I know plenty who were not happy at all to be forced to do that contect. They have a hard time headcanoning ways to either justify their presence there or are just pretending they were not there in the first place. So I’m with them doing mental gymnastics to think of ways for us druids to still stick together.


So… they were not neutral then.
Neutrality is a state of being, when you engage in hostility you stop being neutral. Nobody attacked Hyjal for the NE Cenarion Circle members to go to NE lands to fight. So if NE Druids can break that neutrality to fight for the Alliance that means the other ones could have easily done it to fight for the Horde.
Makes sense?

I guess we disagree on that. I like story consequences actually result in consequences. Btw I thought Horde druids wanted their own druid aesthetics rather than be mixed up with only Night Elf motifs. Legion druid hall being one of their points of criticism.

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Cry me a whole entire river, dude, the only one spinning BS is you. Stop whining over nothing and get a grip.

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for you baby, i will give you a whole ocean.

Me: Gee they should reflect story they tell in the game they make.
Ben: First of all. How dare you.

At this point he’s not worth responding to.

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Things being told outside the game itself is nothing new. Besides that, the game LITERALLY DOES tell us that the Kaldorei took their lands back in an end quest - the warfront just remains for posterity.

Don’t pretend what I’m telling you is unreasonable. You just wanted to crap your pants in front of everyone for no reason.

How about… Literally show us?

I think it depends on who you ask. I remember when leveling my druid alt, I would have preferred a blend of themes instead of just one side or the other. And I know Kisin’s specifically and vocally liked the organization being inclusive and hated that BFA set him against his “faction leader.”


… they did. There was a whole quest about it. There was an entire warfront about it, then Tyrande gave an entire speech on it.

Warcraft zones existing in the state that they did in the expac they dropped is nothing new. It’s been the case since Vanilla. All of those quest mobs walking around that you killed? Yeah, they ARE dead, they’re just there so other people can kill them for those quests.

This is so amazingly basic to understand, so either you’re just being needlessly hostile for the sake of it, or you’re too pea-brained to get it.

So which is it - are you a tool or a buffoon?