What kind of mog do your characters or alt(s) have?

Blue and Frosty. Relates to the character and the changing tones when they’re actually using magic.

My current mog’s concept is based on the simple thought: "How can I make a hunter not look like :poop: ?


Whatever looks good on the race tbh. Sometimes I try to make a class themed mog or a race themed one, but mostly it’s just whatever looks good.

I have way too many alts to list out but they are all in the same guild:

Yeah that’s all me. Check it out if you want, don’t blame you if you don’t.

All of my toons are identical purple pigtailed gnomes, except for my purple haired druid, and all of their mogs are also very purple.

My cloth and plate wearers had no trouble finding plenty of options for good purple mogs, and my druid uses the purple mythic tier set… but my monk here didn’t really have any good options for a full purple leather set (The Night Fae one is too drab) so I had to get creative. I’m pretty happy with the current purple and teal mog I came up with by mixing up a couple different set pieces.


It actually turned out better than I expected because I’m always accompanied by my Glimr battle pet, and she’s purple with teal fins. So we’re pretty cute together wherever we go. :purple_heart:

I have a fully teal and white version, too, (second screenshot at that link) but it just felt weird not wearing purple. :woman_shrugging:

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