What kind of mog do your characters or alt(s) have?

Challenge mode set for me.

Good manners and sophistication. I very well may be a bloodthirsty savage, but that doesn’t mean I can’t look dapper concurrently.

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This set until further notice. :dracthyr_love_animated:


I either use an elite/normal pvp set or don’t bother transmogging 90% of my characters I sometimes use things from the trading post but not to often.

I play a whole bunch of near naked death knights.

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I generally prefer light and easy to move in to heavy and armor-plated.

Usually barefoot because shoes are over-rated. :grin:

Horde hunter I was going for a Vulpera aesthetic:

Riiku - Character (blizzard.com)

Alliance hunter I was going for…idk. Gold?

Rosamund - Character (blizzard.com)

Whatever I’m feeling in the moment.

Currently a combo of the elite set wings from last season that I did solo shuffle until I bled from the eyes to get and the heritage armor. You can’t see it because Blizzard has decreed that I should look naked, but I promise it’s there.

Oh and a guild full of my other alts, for the curious

I have: pink ice witch, spooky wolf warlock, death warden, moon ranger, holy avenger, scarlet avenger, a panda, ghost rider, and a troll with the druid slider cranked to 11.

edit: oh yeah and a generic cultist priest and a skimpy succubus banker.

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Depends on the character. usually the heritage stuff, if I like the way that looks. I have a paladin that is wearing the purple T2 recolour from BC dungeons. I have a rogue that is using the pvp set that looks like the dreadmantle. Or is it called deathmantle?

When they allow us to make undead paladins, I am going to have him wear the WOD plate from the blacksmith building.

I knocked out a Shaman in a back alley and took his stuff.

When I do have gear good enough to consider mogging, it’s always the Finkel’s Skinners and the Scouting Garb with the much better looking Cloaked Shoulderpads and no hat, maybe an eye patch. It’s what I think a real life rogue might wear, all black and no flashy oversized blades.

All my Horde alts are in my guild and I’m pretty satisfied with their mogs. They are mostly full sets with a piece or two of something different. They mostly have a theme relating to their race but not necessarily. For a while it was mostly pirate themed mogs.

I keep my main, a Night Elf Priest, pretty much 100% of the time in the Mooncloth Robe!

Both my mains are magical girls right now. They will continue to be so, but my mage is waiting for the blue outfit to replace the pink one.

Incredibly chaste and wholesome. Gotta protect the young from magical girl influences.

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whatever floats my boat at the moment.

A good chunk of my alts are in sorta casual armor since they’re “off duty” in my head. They’re just vibing and enjoying life.

Card captor whatsername and valentines.

Usually some full-sets because they look nice.

And some with mix-and-matched stuff.

Then we have monster mogs like this

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