What kind of mog do your characters or alt(s) have?

Would love to hear what mog everyone has and what was the inspiration behind it!

For me, my mog is inspired by gothic/alternative fashion and Sylvanas Windrunner herself. :black_heart::ghost::purple_heart:

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Spikey ice spikes

I like these “rustic” transmogs, with leathers, rags, and brown colors. It fits well with the Shaman immersion, like mine

I personally don’t have a theme, my mogs mostly just have a color scheme more or less.

my Paladin wears the Blood Knight armor and tabard, and I don’t ever think I’ll take that off him. He’s the only one of my characters where his transmog is largely settled.

at most, I’ll change the Weapon, and Shoulders.

my DK I haven’t leveled him up enough yet to actually get the really good transmogs.

I feel Belfy!

Most of mine are on the skimpy side, just bc I wanna watch my toons booties when they walk xD


Im a pretty princess and I will be for a while


All depends on the character:

  • My Mag’har Warrior is a Blademaster RP, so I use the Blademaster beads and sword
  • My Zandalari Druid wears T7 Dreamwalker for Resto and the Vestments of the Fang from WC when in Feral. Boomkin spec uses the Zandalari heritage set as a servant of Pa’ku
  • My Gnome Hunter is all about engineering and tinkering so they use mechanical themed gear
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Robot Ninja…because both robots and ninjas are awesome, and they get even better when you combine them into one.


A lot of time my alts just run with the heritage armor or a variation of it.

Shaman is a highmountan tauren (for now until we freaking get shaman for all- then i have another plan) so that uses the heritage armor
Pally is a Blood elf- and they use the bloodknight armor
DK is a void elf- and uses the heritage armor but i dont like the chest piece so I just use the Void elf tabard instead

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This alt’s mog takes a lot of inspiration from Warhammer 40K Aeldari Harlequins.

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My mog is the super duper fomo extremo 5000.

The base is composed of LFR gear as a statement of cruel irony.

My goal is to maximize the number fashion praise whispers as possible with a side of fomo disappointment

I polish it biweekly with the tears of anti fomies. I harvest them from the anti fomo fields in GD

Botanist by day, assassin by night.

Unholy holiness.

Death Pixie

Dark Ranger

Getting woken up by SI:7 in your pyjamas


I really liked the look of the Cataclysm leveling plate set. In general I prefer the armors that a real soldier might have worn in the 1400s to 1500s if they could have afforded it. It’s a more grounded look.

Or I go full Spartan, wearing as little as the game will let me get away with.

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Au naturel for my druid. Easier to shapeshift :wink:

One of my druids has an angelic set, using the wings from SL and parts of the elite pvp set from this season. One of my druids uses the CM set… and this guy uses the fire druid set.

I feel like there are so many looks leather wearers can have, lol.

I’m paladin, of course I wear holy armor.

Nightmare stuff for some of my Night Elves. Some variety of traditional Nelf concepts with others.

My Eredar got light/fel mixed up.

Human got a scarlet mog.

Worgen… red… cuz nightmare and blood… and because hunting. Something like that.