What I've been saying for years!

Except it’s not. Only you think it’s bad.

Only him? Bad leveling has been causing subscriber bleed for ages.

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Ahh, i didn’t know you have access to Blizzard’s subs from Vanilla to now. May we see the proof? /j

Let me ask you this, if you think the leveling is bad… why you want me to agree with the guy that has suggestions to make it worse if it’s not an optional thing?..

No need to engage there. Some bunch of gen forum users have been age old contrarians who never change. They always show up in my threads to argue the other way. Trust me it’s better to not waste time.

OP, nixxiom thinks classic WoW is fun. So his opinion is null and void.

[And no I won’t be watching his video]

WoW can benefit from a better focus on the leveling process but they do these designs currently because it is what their loud player base wants and does. Endgame.

You make harder mobs, people will complain, you make things take longer, other people will complain. I don’t think there is an ez way to reformat the expansion design that would please the middle ground folks.

Because ultimately while I agree engaging leveling and more rewarding and a sense of world would help MY experience. They probably don’t want to take that risk as it’d also take 'em longer to do it all.

The thing I don’t get is why it seems like hc players are so desperate to convince us how superior their “version” of the game is.

The reason hardly anyone is doing it isn’t because we don’t know about it, it’s because we don’t care.

Leveling used to take longer because there wasn’t much of an endgame in place so leveleling essentially was the game.

Everything is done for a reason. The original EQ wasn’t designed with super slow leveling and experience penalty on death to challenge you, it was because they were originally going to charge an hourly rate to play.

I would even go so far as to say the whole hc challenge goes against the spirit of how the game was meant to be played, which is to explore, experiment, and take chances. Not tiptoe around, holding your breath, hoping you didn’t agro a wandering mob.


Is this the guy with the weird cult?

Not a crook, according to the president at the time.

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It sure does. It takes a game that’s done everything it can to make group content more accessible to PUGs and and eliminates any desire I’d have to run a dungeon without a pre-made group. Outside of exceedingly rare world drops, how would you gear up? And imagine the griefing and distrust as a result of the possibility of it.

Don’t get me wrong. I see the merit in HC being added, but without major incentives to play it outside of how many levels you can survive, it would be short-lived.

It’s only a chore if you don’t actually like RPG’s.

They had all that stuff back in bc and I didn’t bother. Know what I did do? Daily quests, heroics and raid. When I got really bored at the end of every cycle I would p v p.

We would also attack capitals and smaller cities

casuals have damaged this game a lot, I agree.

WoW is too big for a proper new player experience on retail.

They need a drdicated place for new players to level together and teaches them how to play.

Put all pre-DF stuff in the back as Legacy, for max players or alts to go through.

Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms at the very least need to be brought up to Dragonflight time.

Why would you lose anything? You gain new spells.

All of classic is boring.

Hardcore makes it boringer

Nah. It is because level has no meaning and the numbers are all incredibly arbitrary and meaningless.

When you are doing the same or less % hp damage at 59 that you were at 10, when it takes you 6 spell casts to kill a mob instead of 2, when you go from fighting demons and an undead horde to comedy pigmies, your feeling of progression is shattered.


Or tell my parents you can make money playing games

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: