What I've been saying for years!

M+ is short , gives good rewards and its on its own schedule compared to raiding so its a no brainer

Hindsight is 20/20. Point being people all the time outright dismiss concepts without knowing everything.

We know for a fact that the trivial world is not engaging to a lot of people who play this game.

Maw and Torghast were classic Blizzard Monkey Paws where they give you crap and pretend that’s what you wished for.

“I want a dangerous open world zone that’s more interesting than yet another endgame daily questing hub.”

“Okay here’s one with an insanely silly timegating mechanic.”

“I want a roguelike solo dungeon.”

“Here you go, we didn’t put any gear in it because its a solo activity and we don’t want people noping out of raids or M+ to get gear there instead.”

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I now for a fact that most people who play retail just want to either pvp, M+ or raid… they dont want the outside world, so that is why the nerfed the lvling and made it faster

That’s a symptom to the problem retail presents.

When the world has no purpose nobody bothers. All the challenge, reward and team play is inside instances. So if you come for the MMORPG the world is the last place you want to be.

It should be the opposite of that but it would require new design direction.

How is hardcore boring? It changes how you play the entire game.

Well right now there are people in Forddiden Reach getting that 395 gear so ,

And when they’re done where will they go next?

They won’t be in the world anymore. Which is the point.

There will be world upgradable gear in 10.1 up to 408 i believe … theres alway world gear just not as good as group content

Reminder that WoW will be going on 20 years old not too far out.

I don’t think you will find many people that want to be leveling for 20 years.

The graveyard of MMORPGs have tried all kinds of things, and the themepark endgame grind stands atop it all for a reason.

Right. So the real game is inside instances and the world just becomes the stepping stone we’ve been talking about for a day now.

Yea yea cuz its an mmo, you have to play with people so you get better rewards than solo

Once upon a time MMORPGs didn’t have instances at all.

He removed us from the gold standard and paved the way for central bank domination

Forbidden Reach is actually more fun than I’ve had in endgame open world in a while, it’s just one of the better done places of that nature like Timeless isle and Isle of Thunder. I don’t feel miserable there like Naz’jatar or Argus.

I’d still like to be having more fun while leveling though, FR is level cap.

What would knowing everything change exactly? If the person is dismissing the concept, chances are, they don’t like it either way if they know it or not. People sometimes don’t like things or hate it more if they know more and that’s fine.

“Engagement” is subjective. Really, conflating difficulty for “engagement” is decieving people who what the definition of engagement really means, which regards more then just difficulty. Heck, high difficulty can sometimes lead to less engagement. Given the amount of niche games with high difficulty and low amount of players. Some exceptions apply.

Don’t know why you’re acting like it’s bad or morally wrong to enjoy Retail for what it is, because you dislike it.

…Nobody’s saying Retails or Classic is better then the other. Let alone use that argument.

Especially considering there’s new MMO’s that are good, as well Classic MMO’s that are crap, and vice versa.

…This was the case since Vanilla. WoW didn’t really devivate too far from that formula.

Level up to the endgame, gear up for dungeons and raids, pvp and keep on doing it pretty much (i,e the famous “Raid or Die”), next patch drops for a new zone or re-profosing a zone for endgame catchup or gearing, new dungeon and raid drops, repeat. The only difference is the formula is much more pronounced and linear.

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Yea i remember when i had a pager

I remember when Coke Zero was more popular than Coke Classic.

Err… not. Just because something is more recent doesn’t automatically make it better design.

Its not that , its that things change over time for better or worst , companies change things to make more money cording to market and customers

It’s not always good though. No reason to keep going in a bad direction when you know it’s bad.