What I've been saying for years!

Things i’ve been saying for years:
Imitation butter and vanilla are the devil

I usually die to fall damage at least once due to bourbon.


Look, WoW had open world raid bosses in the beginning which people had to compete to be able to kill and you know what happened? The uber raid guilds killed them and no one else, because the uber raid guilds would call their members at all hours of the day to show up and if they didn’t, they didn’t get to be in the uber raid guild. Those top 1% guilds had all those world bosses on complete lockdown and no normal player ever even saw them active in the world much less fought one of them because the rest of us require reasonable sleep schedules to keep up with our jobs as well as other personal responsibilities. We don’t get paid to play WoW and/or live in mommy and daddy’s basement.

I guess that’s fun for the 1% but it kind of forgets the whole rest of the player base. This is why instances are NOT a bad idea.

There were elite areas in the outside world also, which you needed full parties to enter and live. Both in vanilla (we called it “Andorhell”) and Blizzard tried it again in WoD with Shattrath. The only thing which happens then is no one wants to go to those areas for any reason and, if there is a reason players have to go, they only want to go, get the whatever done, and leave. These outdoor elite areas were never thriving spots of people having fun.

I think a lot of the lack of gear in there was because they released it knowing full well there was no possible way they could balance it and they didn’t want to deal with overpoweredintorghastclass is massively geared compared to hahahasuckstobeyouclass can’t get anything done.


I absolutely hate leveling; just remove it entirely.

Are you claiming you could level any class 1 to 60 in classic easily?

If an official hardcore classic server came out would you be willing to roll a gnome warrior and report back your results. :slight_smile:

I did in vanilla, so… yeah? Except it’s not a claim, it’s an after the fact statement.

This thread reminds me of those threads at the start of Dragonflight with people complaining dragonflying was too hard.

I personally loved leveling taking a long time. I liked the fact that I couldn’t handle more than 1-2 mobs at a time in Classic. I’m leveling an alt now and I’m leveling so fast, I can’t even explore a lot of zones before hitting 60. I also destroy mobs so quickly at earlier levels it’s a joke

What I would have wished for though:

  1. Mobs be less generic, maybe add some more movement and abilities for some of the mobs (or all).
  2. The leveling is only slow WHEN YOU FIRST PLAY. When you finish and reach max level, if you make a new character, you have an option to:
    a. level SLOW, same as when you first played.
    b. level FAST. Give like a 100-200% exp buff or heirlooms. This way you will also be facerolling every mob to max level, similar to how leveling is now.
    This way you could have people who want a long adventure to endgame or a quick trip to max level for their alts.

I rolled a Priest using the character boost, and never learned to play her. I heard so much about how awesome Shadow Priests were, but every time I go in the open world, I get munched by low-level mobs. Now I just use her for enchantment shuffling (she just sits in Valdrakken every day.) I wish I had leveled her from Level 1 so I could have learned how to play an SPriest… don’t even waste time thinking about making her a raiding healer. So I say leveling is a very important part of learning to play a class.

the problem with harder content i guess like hardcore WoW is that not everyone is interested in that type of content usually those kinds of games have fewer people that play them but usually the games i know of that have that type of gameplay it’s more hardcore then hardcore WoW is. you die, you lose your gear/gold kind of hardcore and need to craft/get new gear all over again.

with WoW HC it’s more casual HC. yea you die you delete but at the same time it’s an old game people know the ins and outs of the game/mechanics and all that.

either way though i think by the time blizz tries to cash out on actual HC servers the community would have died off already. i look at HC as more of just a novelty/trend kind of thing eventually it will die down and less people will be participating in it. this is why it is best imo to actually introduce Vanilla+ and add new content to classic ontop of HC servers to keep things fresh and not just Season of mastery bs. idk many people who really enjoy season of mastery playstyle in the sense why would i want to invest all that time on a character that is going to get deleted? Diablo wise it’s a different story but in an actually mmorpg not worth my time or effort.

If I had my way first thing I would do is this entire game would scale exactly the same. All of the old raids and dungeon would be relevant and equal with new content. That would make the entire old world. Relevant if it’s dropping relevant gear etc
Also make the world feel more like we’re not trying just to get to the end of new content to raid for 2 years. Like that would be the only objective in the game which kind of sucks to be honest