What I've been saying for years!


Give me a tl dr, I’m not watching that crap

one resist was not good second resist was a mana problem and third resist was wand time and maybe a potion lol. going to new areas for quests of the adequate level were a crap shoot with the mob respawns.

Not a crook.

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It’s like that for like ten minutes then you level twice and problem solved.

Please dude you aren’t impressing anyone with this crap line lol. You can remember all these other details except dying lol. This guy has only ever died in pvp or raids. No one thinks wow leveling is hard. No one thinks it’s impossible to die playing the game leveling. Don’t try and say you never were in a bad spawn point and had to go came back and got swamped, had another player drag adds to you. Had an add run and chain pull more stop lying you just sound so stupid.


its not about whatever leveling is fun or not its whatever you wanna do can be achieved while leveling, and for veteran players thats a big fat no, I wanna do the latest raid or dg, fight in the arena/rbg or just explore the new quests and maps.

all of that requires a character around max level, I have played throught the old content a bunch of times, at this point is just more of the same, that`s what actually happen.

some people are not only leveling their 25th alt but also their 7th mage or whatever, they dont care about the leveling process anymore. it is what it is

Pull from the roads.

Do people seriously not know how to pull in MMORPG’s?

I forgot the roads in the middle of every quest.

This is me in my old age. I just want to hit max level, run my weekly 3 hour raid and log off.

It was quite easy. 3 mobs was enough

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I played vanilla back in the day, it was ok for its time… but going back to it now, i got my rogue to 76 from lvl 1 in classic , it was fun but it takes to long to lvl up that you lose the motivation to keep playing

Oh how soon we forget the lessons of the Maw.

Yeah I’m not saying it needs to be so hardcore. But I told them years ago a mythic world difficulty that you could select in your character selection or something would be a great addition to the game. Something more akin to difficulty in EQ 1999. With relevant achievements.

It should not be easy so that’s the point.

Show me where anything resembling the Maw exists in Classic or any other older game like EQ 1999.

Maw had some really terrible ideas which mostly stemmed from encounter design, the eye of the Jailer, etc.

It also was supposed to look barren and I think maybe it was too barren.

Instances are a bad idea and yet this game has survived almost 20 years on that content.

Also no one cares about your video

Some of the worst games ever made still have a loyal audience.

If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be here.

Yea but how many people would play it ? A few ? Specially in retail

Someone probably once said the same thing about M+.

Welcome to video games. :man_shrugging:

…Also, imagine using a corporate word like “Engagement” (Cough Tod Howard and the launch of Fallout 76) that’s pretty much codename for “profits”.

Also, fun is subjective. I don’t find the whole “Hardcore perma death thing” fun at all, because it means i shouldn’t be invested and just slowly play it and just treat it like it’s Mythic Raiding, Min-max the heck and optimize the fun out of it, not actually having fun in the process and treating it like a high stakes job. That’s just me though, and if somebody want that, then fine. As an option, not as a replacement.

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