What I've been saying for years!

This largely comes down to deciding if it is better to continue to refine the game for those still playing (who may or may not quit anyway, eventually) or to attempt to make alterations that may or may not bring in new/returning players while alienating those that still play.

Hardcore would be a massive success for a week or two.

And a great experiment in finding how many people you can get to quit after one death.

In the first 30 seconds of the video, it became crystal clear that his MMO experience is extremely limited, likely to only WoW.

RIP Nixon’s youtube page, nobody know who you were.

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A cursory glace at his channel shows he also plays other MMOs.

If you refuse to play all of course leveling is too fast.

If you don’t do end game content… Again you’re going to see it is too fast.

We moved away from slow leveling because that’s not what they intended.

The hardcore leveling thing is hilarious.

Almost 20 years, now, and I don’t think I’ve EVER died while leveling. I don’t even see how you could, unless you fell through the game’s geometry due to a bug or something.

“Hardcore leveling” is what bad players do. Period.

Bad players who take the easiest thing in the game, and try to make it sound like they’re doing something impressive.

your first char would prob die before they hit level 20 lol

Too bad nixxiom fell off hard idk what happened but his video quality and attitude have both shifted dramatically. For the worse.

Yes leveling is a joke, to get more on topic. Although I don’t think it matters. I’d rather it be a joke than it be a slog like classic leveling/another way to push boost sales.

Leveling up and getting weaker feels terrible, most of the experience isn’t good but leveling is just a crappy tutorial now. Idk how they can improve it without making it worse than it already is.

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To what, though? WoW leveling has never been the slightest bit challenging, ever.

Maybe it’s because I was already in my 30’s when vanilla came out and had been playing other MMO’s for years, and all the people who say “vanilla was hard” were 5 years old at the time, I dunno.

bad luck such as parry’s, misses, dodges, etc. Also mob respawns, adds getting pulled in various areas, not having a clear escape route when a pull goes wrong, and more. The content, when things go correctly, is easy but when you have bad luck at the wrong time, things go south very quickly

Turn on your brain and none of that happens.

Let me amend my previous statement:

Revised version:

You think you know the ins and outs of leveling and already have it figured out but you don’t. You should give it a shot before patch and see how far you get just for the hell of it

I think everybody who’s ever played the game knows the ins and outs of leveling.


dude used to make good machinimas, then he became a viking weeb and hopped on the “hate wow for more clicks” bandwagon.

they don’t and you probably don’t. a lot of people go into it very confident and have a rude awakening. The game’s leveling at the time wasn’t designed to be done with 0 deaths and was a lot less hand-holdy as it is now. Don’t get me wrong, the game itself is easy but leveling to 60 without dying is more difficult than you would think

you should def give it a shot, even if you don’t plan on making it all the way to 60. its pretty fun

I did it at the time. I never died. I don’t see how you could. I wasn’t even playing an easy-mode pet class.

This video is truth but players don’t want to hear it, they just want to run the same m+ dungeon twenty zillion times for horrible rng slot machine rewards.


I doubt you remember leveling in vanilla almost 20 years ago lol. I played vanilla and I don’t remember a single one of my deaths while leveling. I’m sure they still happened though

I remember the “neat” feeling when I used a Hearthstone the first time in the caves, to short-cut back to the Tauren village.
I remember thinking “where the hell is this owlkin thing?” in the Barrens.
I remember Mankrik’s Wife.
I remember the troll areas infested with patrols in Stranglethorn, which required being careful and looking around to monitor them.
I remember getting swarmed with Naga and jumping into a river to get away.
I remember Cauldron Runs in Plaguelands.

I remember. Because I was an adult at the time.

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i mean sure you can remember parts of it or some feelings you had during it but what I’m trying to say is that you don’t remember every detail about it