What is your view on opening up more race/class possibilities?

I started to play retail wow again about 3 months ago, and I really enjoy Mythic Plus. I like that the game provides quite a bit of flexibility nowadays (compared to 2004) to tackle almost limitless challenge while keeping it relatively accessible/fun for new players.

One area I find could use improvement is opening up the possibilities for race/class. If a new player is all excited to create his/her first character after installing the game, it’s a bit of a let down to find out you can’t create:

  • a Holy Paladin Void Elf, though you can make/play a Holy Priest Void Elf;

  • any Paladin Void Elf, if you are transferring to Alliance from a Blood Elf Paladin to play with friends in the open world;

  • a Human Shaman, though all the Shamans that have ever existed were, to the best of my knowledge, humans; and

  • a Night Elf Shaman, but they can be druids, shift into animals and connect with Nature.

I realize some will have other opinions, and that’s understandable. Personally, I would have a hard time seeing an Undead Druid - but that’s just me. Also, maybe these combinations do not get to be NPC’s because that is part of the set storyline/world - but why not let players go outside the box a little more. We’re in 2023 where Horde vs Alliance send each other to the graveyards in the Battlegrounds and then team up to complete a dungeon/raid 5 minutes after…

I think opening things up a little more would encourage players to try/play some combinations they would enjoy and maybe log in more hours.

Thanks !

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The lack of Pandaren Druid is very odd to me. They have the ability to do something different than the other races with Bear form.

More race/class combos is always good. Limiting them isnt fun and if you are worried about lore there are far bigger issues


My thought is I wish they would hurry up. I want my HMT paladin already.

And tauren/HMT DH.


I think it’s fine. I was originally completely against the idea and hated the thought of everyone being a Warlock, but Blizzard did a story line and did a good job with it.

I’ll never not be surprised when I see a Night Elf Warlock, but if they’re an Undead Night Elf Warlock, then for some reason my brain translates that to being perfectly fine.

So, I think the limitations could be lifted, but Blizzard has to continue to establish the reasons why they’re being lifted.


I’m all for it, but I want RP elements added to it that reflect the challenges some races face. A Draenei Warlock should face some initial ostracisation from her own people. A Night Elf Paladin would have to work harder to prove himself and be accepted by other Paladins. The path to acceptance and coming to the light for a Forsaken Paladin could be long and full of interesting stories.

Things like this add realism to the game and make choices more interesting.

Cool and good. The restrictions are stupid in the first place, and every class could be opened easily to every race. Yes, including Evoker, and no, not with Visage Form expansions. Genuine Vulpera or Orc or Human or other race Evokers.


Might as well. Its not like lore is relevant or respected by blizzard anymore.

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In the end I really don’t care anymore what gets opened up but I do think Ion has a legit point. To be an Evoker you do need wings and the ability to breath fire. Vulpera, orcs, humans and the other races are not dragons or sub dragon races. Some classes can conjure wings (DH, Druids) but they’re still lacking dragon abilities.

That’s why I always been for letting Evokers pick what race they want their visage to be :woman_shrugging:


Nothing that can’t be fixed with a bit of dragon communion. Hell, the Visage Forms could have easily been the markers of a non-Dracthyr Evoker and Dracs could have dumped the shapeshifting.

This…except for me it’s a Gnome Paladin lol.



Goblin and Blood Elf Druids please.

I’m not gonna go deep and explain why I don’t like it but in general terms: Lame.
Same as void elves not so void elf looking.

Hate it. As a lore person, it just makes no sense.

But yet again, blizzard doesn’t care about people like me, who likes the lore of the games

Mechagnome druids please

Dino mode, not bear mode plz.

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Open them all, if possible. I realize DH and Drac are probably not gonna happen.

I’m fine with it but not how they seem to be doing the Tyr’s Guard thing. I wish the Pally orders were more creative, and I hope my Belf Pally doesn’t get sucked into it and the Blood Knights are still a thing.

I think some of them are dumb like really dumb but I also don’t care like care since I don’t have any major issue with people just having fun with it so I’m all for having all classes for all races and that includes Evoker and if not all races having it we should at least be able to use all races for the visage form.

Plus with Paladins I really wanna see the racial mounts, Shamans I really wanna see the racial totems and Druids I really wanna see the racial forms.

I honestly want kultiran paladins, but also I hope they get more customization too.