What is your MBTI personality type and Main Class?

She’s actually a science writer and a designer, no this isn’t just “an article” she actually quotes Indiana University researchers, there is plenty more that explain why this isn’t scientific nor is it in any way shape or form anything related to analytics. There is plenty more which outline the kind of harm this new nonsense does.

No this MBTI personality tests is pure hokum, companies use it to asses your fit in a workplace, it’s harmful and yet you are ignorant enough to defend it. Great job.

It used to be said that the internet was dominated by “I” types. Looks like that’s still true, at least for the crowd that plays WoW and frequents the forums.

I wonder what the makeup looks like for parts of the internet where more, uhh, “average” individuals spend time (facebook, instagram, etc). Probably way more “E”’s there.

i’ll just tell you that i’m a taurus sun, aries moon, aquarius ascendant and watch your head explode. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate astrology too, but at least it isn’t being used as a hiring methodology by ignorant HR people.

you need to calm the heck down bro. maybe step out of this thread so you don’t get reported for trolling?


well i got INTP-T on the test

My main since Wrath has been a holy priest (yes even during Cata, MoP, and WoD when they were garbage) so i’ll let others judge how that fits together as i haven’t really looking into MBTI so i’m ignorant on the topic lol

(not sure if it’ll make a differance but my 3 alts are balance druid, Elemental shaman, and a MW monk)

pally doesn’t appeal to you?

ISTP-A - I main a BM/MM hunter (never liked survival), and previously mained a frost mage

Why do you think I’m trolling? Just because I refuse to participate in the celebration of ignorance that is being displayed in this thread?

I’m not trolling, I’m 100% deadly serious. This kind of nonsense is a disease on society which makes it acceptable to hold ‘alternative’ views on reality.

Buy into this crap and soon you’ll be extolling the virtues of having my fortune cards read, then how faith healing cures cancers and then about how vaccinations are dangerous and GMO foods want to poison us all. This kind of crap is basically a gateway to the other kind of more insidious ignorance about science in society.


i bet you tell little kids there’s no santa/tooth fairy too.


You bet I do. Do you think it’s a good idea to lie to children?

okay santa hater. we’re done here.


INTP-A which I guess means I’m an overly aggressive tactical introvert. Sounds a little contradictory, but… Confident individualism seems on the button.

I believe it has already been stated multiple times but the site does not pose as fact and the intent of the thread was not to label it as fact but as fun.

If you wish to really talk about “ignorance” MBTI is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator which was developed on the basis of one of Carl Jung’s theories. The dichotomies, attitudes and functions that are used as variables for the process are all approved and understood psychological terms. The only reason MBTI falls under pseudo-science is the “predictive” nature of the process as via your perception of the world it assumes to predict how you act based on the variables.

IE; say someone is an ENFP they would be extroverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving or these are the dominant traits in the classification, that is relatively straight forward however trying to assume that an ENFP means you are " A campaigner and true free spirit" (taken from the website linked in the thread) would be absurdly stupid as no true objective correlation exists.

On the contrary say fortune cards have literally no scientific basis, in all considerations if someone was to call themselves an ENFP they are just essentially calling themselves an extrovert who is intuitive, feeling and perceptive.

I don’t entirely disagree with you however as say the website linked by the OP in the thread is very brief and won’t yield any proper answers and these things often don’t factor in change.

Wow, a quote from graduate students at Indiana University too. I’m impressed.

Do you really not believe in introverts or extroverts? Why is everyone in this thread an introvert, despite introverts making up 25% of the population?

Do you really not believe certain people rely on their feelings more than their thoughts?

Do you not think with over 7 billion people on Earth that many people have very similar personalities?

Maybe a self-taken test isn’t the best way to get accurate results, but you’re grouping people based off of similar personality traits.

Oh, it is bad for hiring people? What percentage of truck drivers are extroverts, and what percentage of salespeople (and I’m not talking a checkout clerk at Nike) are introverts? Both numbers are low with statistical significance. You can buy into the “we’re all special with unique experiences” garbage, but there are certain ways to group people based on similar character traits.

INTJ and warlock


I have taken these tests several times (for entertainment) and the only consistency is the introversion.

So having INTJ turn into INFP is not too odd.

False reporting is not a sensible thing to do.

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INTP-T and my main varies on how I am feeling about that character in an RP sense.

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INTJ-A and I main DH.

My favorite WoW characters are Sylvanas, Azshara and Jaina.

Bring it on.