What is your MBTI personality type and Main Class?

Darling, you are thinking way too hard on this. It is just a fun little test that for some odd reason you think that if you lie it should pick up on it or something…sorry darling it is not an AI and cannot predict that you lie. From the start it tells you to be honest. Garbage in, Garbage out. Maybe you should main a male human paladin…you sound like one


ISTP, “Virtuoso”… i.e. “Loner”. I prefer to say I am self sufficient, though.

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ISFJ-T - druid main
I am borderline between ISTJ and ISFJ, I always get IS and J on these though.

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The difference is the Virgo/Aquarius things say “because you were born in this month, you’re inclined to act like this”, which is not scientific or even logical. The Myers Briggs says “okay, because you tend to rely on feeling over logical thought you fit into this category, and the combination of these observable traits about you determine which group you fall into”, rather than “you fall into this group, so you have these personality traits.” It’s assigning a name to a similar group of people, just like how we separate animal or plant species, not assigning traits.

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This INFP-A mains a Warlock, not a paladin like many of the other INFP’s in this thread.

First time I’ve taken the test where I didn’t come up as INTJ. Weird.

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INTP. I enjoy Druids, Warriors, and Monks.

Your article was written by a graphic designer, misrepresents the types as absolutes instead of natural inclinations, and pretty much quotes “The Guardian” as it’s main source. Congratulations, you found an internet article to validate your beliefs.

Reporting you for even greater ignorance and spreading of nonsense.


Nailed it for me too. Must be a Pally thing!


INFJ - This (mostly Prot) Pally who was my first toon and continues to be my main over 11 years later. And a Guardian to boot. Go figure.


It means you meant to roll a Pally but hit the wrong button.


ISFJ - And I am a Warrior Tank / Fury

My vanilla main was Ret Pally, still play the character as an alt but she hasn’t been my main since DKs were released.

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Rogue (alt Ret Pally)


I’m a NELF and I main a VIKINGR!

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My main switches between Druid and Warrior

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In other words: they’re useless Facebook dribble.


for future ref you can post entire link w/o spaces at any forum lvl.

it wont be clickable link form, but its ezier to copy/paste and not have to edit it.

use the </> button and it puts it in a graybox :slight_smile:

liek this


There, I FIFY.

ISTJ-A, I tend to bounce between Frost Mage, Havoc DH, Sin Rogue, Elemental Shaman

INFJ. first main was a pally. now i main a demo warlock.