What is your MBTI personality type and Main Class?

The Myers-Briggs was, rather ironically, created to help build personalities for fictional characters. Or, more specifically, an initial version was adapted for the novel Murder Yet to Come.

I rather dislike it as a trait measure, as it is certainly more of a state measure in its structure. That, and it is psychometrically unsound.

That being said, it is a neat little measure when used recreationally. Fun to play around with, but one should not put to much stock into it.

If I recall correctly, last I took it I was and ENFP.

INTP and I play 5 mains all at the same time. =D

Oh and 3 of my mains are warlocks XD

I got the same results lol


Also a warlock main. Maybe OP is onto something.

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My main toon has always been a mage

ISFJ…and I main a druid. Seems to fit.

This made me laugh more than I should.

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There it is again. The demure attitude in place of actual argument and actual thought. It’s almost as pathetic to point it out on someone with so little emotional intelligence so everyone may as well stop doing it. This player will never get past their own juvenile thoughts.

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INFP-A here

As for wow I can never main just one class. I’ve played all classes to max level at least once except for Warlock, I don’t know why but I can never get into that class, but I made a list of all my mains throughout each expansion. A couple stand out favorites out of those were WotlK Unholy DK (loved all the fun abilities), and MoP Monk (loved Spinning Fire Blossom)

Vanilla - BM Hunter/ F Druid
BC - F & B Druid/ BM & SV Hunter
WotlK - U DK / BM Hunter / F Druid
Cata - BM Hunter / F Druid
MoP - WW Monk / BM Hunter / F Druid
WoD - WW Monk / BM & MM Hunter / F Druid
Leg - WW Monk / SV Hunter (Hated Legion BM) / Outlaw Rogue
BfA - BM Hunter / WW Monk / Havoc DH

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Yes, yes I am. Or I was, but god damned Alliance are allergic to playing in WM and I got tired of constantly being killed by Horde.

Edit: INTP-T, my main two have been Havoc DH and Balance Druid

I’m sure you have no problem with psychiatrists prescribing fluoride pills to people with depression though. That’s not quack science or anything. But muh Universityyyyyyyy.