What is your MBTI personality type and Main Class?

Advocate INFJ-T

Mage, mainly Arcane.

And all the INFJ’s love to heal or help! :smiley:

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Okay, then if you “never said anything of the kind”, that means you DO have a problem splitting 7 billion people into 2 groups (Introverts and Extroverts).

So you DON’T believe in introverts or extroverts, like I said above, when you said I was trying to put words in your mouth. You either believe in them, or you don’t. You can’t have it both ways. And you appear not to. And if you truly don’t believe there are introverted people and extroverted people, and that there is a character difference between the two, then you’re just flat out wrong.

2nd, you seem really mad about anyone making profit/money. That seems to be your main concern. I guess it’s a byproduct of growing up in a society with excess.

My test tend to change as well (though I think it is dependent on whether I’m in a manic or depressive cycle.) This article can help to further determine which you are.


Too many INFJ here. Now you have one more.

I refuse to believe we’re 1% of the population. Maybe back in the 1960s, but certainly not today.


Typical INFP actually.

I think it’s more that INFJs tend to congregate in spaces like this as we’re more comfortable socializing behind a screen in the comforts of our own homes. But unlike the INTJ or INTP, we DO like to socialize. So we tend to flock to MMOs like ducks to water.

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It’s got literally zero with what I believe. I believe in the organised framework know as science. I believe in facts and data and empericism. Can you demonstrate with empirical data that your hypothesis is true? No? Then GTFO.

It’s as simple as that.

No, I’m fine with people making money (I make plenty of it myself). What I’m not fine with is cranks, con-artists and quacks making millions on easily disproven debunked nonsense and selling it to gullible misinformed (I wanna feel special all the time) kind of people, got it now mister?

I. Hate. Psuedo-science.

It seems I have to combat it all the time in real life, but also in my goddang gaming forums.

INTP and I main a mage for now. I’ve also mained a shaman, a dk, a priest, and a druid at various times throughout WoW.


Hunter :slight_smile:

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Y u no just use ` ?

That’s an interesting test. Skewed and dubiously worded, and auto-excluding people who don’t partake in activities like parties or those that don’t dream every time they sleep.

Why does it not surprise me that legit people rely on this for some kind of information. Very silly, IMO. And no, I’m not surprised that “Fortune 500 companies” use this nonsense either. Some of those CEOs are religious too, right? /SMH

Despite being forced to lie or guess on some questions, I took it anyway. Sometimes the question didn’t apply (like the sleep/dream one.) Some are worded so that the answer could be anything from one extreme to another, like:

A life-changing choice is a serious thing, and those of us that have been around a few years have made several. They can’t all be boiled down into one concise bubble of agreement or disagreement, even if we have seven degrees of choice. To even suggest that they can is wacky and ignorant; it smacks of people that have actually made no life changing choices.

Again, it’s mindblowing people rely on this for substance.

Some questions are way, way too vague:

There literally is no such thing. Even religion can be experienced, if not seen or touched. Theoretical science can be seen and experienced, if not touched. Pure philosophy can be experienced, though neither seen nor touched. This is a silly notion.

Am I supposed to “strongly agree,” because it’s not possible to conceptualize that which has no existence, tangible or intangible? Or do I disagree, because I see what they are getting at?

Which is, basically, whether I am a man of faith or a man of science, or to what degree I exist at in-between. Do I need proof or can I “just believe?” So I don’t want to “strongly disagree,” because I understand the concept behind the question, and yes, I can imagine dedicating my life to the intangible. But that’s not exactly what they’re asking. It’s dubiously worded.

Anyway, the “personality test” said this about me:


Whatever that means, I’m sure the Scientology folks would tell me much the same. Especially for the $79.95 like this place wants, for “deeper insight.”

LMAO, no really, LMAO.


33% Extraverted

67% Introverted


67% Intuitive

33% Observant


32% Thinking

68% Feeling


54% Judging

46% Prospecting


42% Assertive

58% Turbulent

The eneagram test is far more accurate than Myers Briggs.


Nah, a good ol’ fashioned drinking contest is best!
(Sets 'em up :beers::beers::beers::beers::beers::beers::beers::beers::beers::beers::beers:…)

Let the games begin!


Ok, so I did this and it says that I am, but only just, an INFJ-T.
I say only just, because it was 1% point away from INTP-T, INFP-T, or INTJ-T.

The description of this personality type is scarily inaccurate for me as it totally fails to account for the cynical and skeptical aspect of my personality.

Mained Shaman, Druid, Shaman, Druid, Shaman, Hunter, Priest, Druid depending on how I was feeling about the class in question.

Funny how most of the INFP, myself included mostly play priest or paladin. Makes you think. =) Also like bows and hunters.

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I got INFJ-T (what is the T?)

I got INFJ last time too. Probably because I like to be alone more than with others and I regret 90% of my life decisions Hahahaha.

As for my main? I “main” something like 5 classes.

Beast Mastery Hunter, Demonology Warlock (they’re the best at soloing), All 3 Specs of Shaman depending on mood, all 4 specs of Druid depending on mood but mostly feral and a lot of tank/heals and Fury Warrior with a side dish of Ret Paladin depending on the expansion. These guys are always maxed and have roughly equal /played according to my altoholic.

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INTJ. I play every class so I never get screwed by class changes.

Interesting. Sethrak Dark Blight Druid

I could def get into that.

I’m a Fury Warrior, and I’m a INFP-T.

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No one made you do anything actually. You came to this topic and you brought up what you wanted to bring up and now you’re being demure with the “got it now mister?”

Let me give you a little hint: No one on this forum is going to “intellectually” debate with you and even if they wanted to your personality is so vicious, spiteful, and rude that even if they DID want to they wouldn’t want to with you.