What is your mbti Myers Briggs personality Race and class?

INFP - Mediator. Probably explains why I don’t pvp. We actually learned this test in a community college course, hilarious I always had a feeling it was a bit silly. I do remember this person I didn’t vibe with had the exact opposite score as me though, so maybe there’s something to it after all.

I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade but exercise caution in making any judgments or decisions based on the MBTI. I’ve seen people put a lot of stock in their type and use their Myers-Briggs results to inform dating, education, job decisions, etc. But this particular test suffers from a number of psychometric issues that result in low reliability and validity, and is not taken seriously by those who are in psychological testing due to its well documented shortcomings.


I’d say in general be cautious about putting too much stock into a personality test because humans are complex things that typically can’t be boiled down to a series of letters or numbers.


Good point. Personality is a hard nut to crack in psychology and personality tests in general don’t have nearly the same reliability and predictive power as, say, cognitive tasks such as working memory capacity and fluid intelligence.

That said, some personality tests have some predictive power. For example the “Big Five” personality traits are fairly well validated and replicated, and some of the traits correlate with job performance, political leanings, career choice, and various other things. But the variance accounted for is again generally much smaller than measures in other areas such as clinical and cognitive.

I do like Myers Briggs , but I like Astrology more . Especial Vedic Astrology .
I could be INFJ , INFP , INTP , or INTJ


ISFP-A. I used to be an ENFJ-A, though. My main is a Nelf Mage and my second main is a Nelf Hunter (this cutie!).


where is the best place to take the quiz to see what type ya are?

INTJ. Night elf druid. Or priest. Or hunter.

Depends on the mood. All of the three are the same “character” in my RP stories.

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Im INFP-T and i currently main a warrior but play alot of alts lol. idk what would be a good fit for me but i dont like healing thats for sure. that stuff is boring.


I’m not sure what it means, if anything.

It’s called ‘The Advocate Personality’. I mainly play Healers. I never change spec with my Healers.

I do, though, have a character for most specs, yet I never tank.

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I play tanks and healers.

Havoc DH & Frost DK these days

ENTJ: I play every race/role and have done so at a high level. I prefer tanking and healing though because they are roles that if screwed up, wipes the party or raid.

The better test is to see who’s a timid narcissist or not. They tend to shy away from any roles that are easy to screw up. They can’t handle the thought causing a wipe and the weight of that bearing down on them. Hence why most of them stick to purely DPSing. On the flip-side, the grandiose narcissist will play any role they want, but if a wipe happens, they blame shift everyone other than themselves.

You’re just as well off asking what someone’s astrological sign is lol.

Such bs.

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It’s pseudoscience but it’s also interesting in ways.

I have a copy of the Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Inventory (TKI, not sure if I spelled it right) test from a class and I’ve done the MBTI tests. What I’ve found is that the results change based on my frame of view at the time.

For example—I am an abuse survivor who was trapped living with my abuser and using wow as an escape for about 8 years. When taking the tests with IRL where I suffer from abuse in mind my TKI indicated that I shied away from conflict and just let people walk all over myself in a very unhealthy way and that I was INFP. When thinking of an online environment I had engrossed myself in, where I wasn’t subject to abuse, I had healthy conflict management skills where I was more likely to compromise and even assert myself on occasion and ENTJ/INTJ personality.

This indicates a duality between our online lives and our meatspace lives, possibly that who we are online may be closer to our true and genuine selves than IRL.

ISTJ - and this lady of light and justice is my main :slight_smile: Fits!

INTJ Current mains are Orc Beastmastery Hunter and Vulpera Holy Priest.

The Orc might change to Marksmanship Hunter. The Vulpera is standing pat. He’s awesome in the battlegrounds.

My up and coming main is a Zandalari Druid. He is currently leveling up, but he will be my main some day, and the other toons will be alts used for professions.

I might use the Priest for PVP, but it depends on what the rewards are.


Was a Horde player since release, mostly Orcs (unless they couldn’t be a particular class). Switched over to Alliance now to hang out with my son. I am playing a Dwarf (looking to go Mechagnome Monk eventually).

ENTJ, currently maining Hunter, used to main Paladin and Preist on Alliance.

is it bad i have no idea what’s going on right now