What is your mbti Myers Briggs personality Race and class?

I know this was asked before it’s weird
I’m an enfj I play pandaren who’s a hunter.
It’s funny a lot of people suggest pally I do like it but prefer hunters .this is a new update since new races have been release

I did this last year on 16personalities.


My 2 mains are Outlaw Rogue and Resto Shaman.

I don’t know what this says about me.

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Was a lock now a huntard

This is why https://www.google.com/amp/s/ciarvella.com/2013/11/23/the-psychology-of-wow-classes/amp/


Interesting. I despise tanking.

This is the most useful application of that test I can imagine.

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I got guardian on that test, Id say it’s fitting.

No idea. Honestly it seems like bunk to me.

I get INFP, ENFP, and ESFP…

I only play DPS and Healers so I guess it’s accurate


I like playing rogues and I like survival hunters because they’re two handed rogues with a pet

BM Hunters, Unholy DKs, DHs, and a lone Shadow Priest make of that what you will! :grin:

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ENTP-A, though I’ve taken it a few times over the years and the result changes. Things that I’ve mained since I started playing in 2004:

  • Survival Hunter(Vanilla)
  • Retribution Paladin that was a healer(Vanilla)
  • Protection Paladin(TBC->WotLK)
  • Protection Warrior(Cata)
  • Restoration Shaman(Cata->Legion)
  • Shadow Priest(Legion->BfA)
  • Arcane Mage(Current)

It can be. And sometimes even one question can push you out of one category and into another.

Some days I feel like sitting back, grabbing my bow and saying “fido, kill”.
Other days I want to drawn my weapons, yell and heroic leap into the fray.
And some days I just want to show my enemies that even if I may as well be in a wheelchair, they will still die by my hand.

Gamers are complex creatures. And all three are fun ways to play, all depending on my mood at the time.

this test is as accurate as your astrology forecast anyway.


Oh good! I didn’t have much faith at first, but if it’s that accurate then gosh, better go dust off the ol’ sword and board and get to tanking!

High 5 for having the top tier personality

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The blog post said tanking was ideal for everybody.

You all know what this means. I expect no more long queues for DPS. There should be tanks everywhere.

Um, you ran away from Locke Lamora on several occasions, giving my boy angst-aplenty and delaying book four by what looks to be several decades now.

You have no voice here, witch.

INFJ… and I have more than one of every spec, but mostly lean towards healing since the class specs I do enjoy are “bad”.

  • Tank: Idealists are Tanks for reasons similar, at first glance, to those that motivate Guardians. Idealists are naturally cooperative and value the well-being of those they hold in their regard. – will be more concerned with the well being of the group in an abstract sense. “If I do my job well, everybody is having more fun”.

  • Healer: For Idealists, the Healing role is a natural fit. The act of restoring and supporting one’s party fits well with the Idealist’s motivating desire for harmony.

  • DPS: … the Idealist might enjoy the DPS because it represents a change of pace from how the Idealist might normally be in a group context.

I feel called out and I don’t like it. :imp:

I don’t remember what mine is but I did take it several times and the only thing I remember about it is that each time it said that I was a “rare type” of personality.

I have a feeling they all say that.