The 3rd Ratchet and Clank game.
Altho more recently I’ve been having so much fun with the Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Crash 4: Its About Time.
The 3rd Ratchet and Clank game.
Altho more recently I’ve been having so much fun with the Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Crash 4: Its About Time.
Half life
Duke Nukem 3D
Zelda - A link to the past (and breath of the wild)
The Last of Us
Honorable mentions;
Subnautica, Stellaris, Warcraft 2 & 3
Really tough choice between The Last of Us and Red Dead 2, pretty much all of my top games are single player, WoW is the only game i play that requires an internet connection lol
I kind of want to play TLOU but I don’t know. The game is $70 and Ellie IMO is kind of annoying. Does her character ever get oh I don’t know, less annoying?
I quite literally only play wow. It’s the only game I enjoy truly.
I will SOMETIMES dabble in Overwatch or whatever game my bf wants me to play.
Trust me, you will grow to love Ellie, after Part I is done and you’ve gone through the section where you play as her, you’ll think she’s a total boss
I’ve almost exclusively played MMOs and only recently started to venture out into single-player games. I’ve never played, and never will, games like Witcher or God of War. Favorite MMO was Warhammer Online followed by Star Wars Galaxies.
For the relatively few single player games, maybe Majora’s Mask on the N64. Being a kid at the time helped. Really enjoy my memories of both the game and the time. It felt so magical to my sister and I as we played. We would wear masks that transformed you and pretend to be like a Goron merchant. There was a lot to discover. A runner-up would be Terraria. I have just over 300 hours on that game! I’ve been playing it since it came out. Very satisfying to see how far it has come and it has a great modding community.
I recently played through Dragon Age. They’re very good games! I played them in the order they came out without playing any other game. Origins was my favorite followed by DAII and then Dragon Age Inquisition was still good but my least favorite. I already played through KotOR (very good) and was trying to play Mass Effect since I bought the trilogy and Andromeda for $15 during the Winter Sale. Couldn’t make it through the first one, though.
May i ask why you would single out games like this for exclusion when dipping your toes into single player gaming? God of War and Witcher 3 are pretty amazing games.
Just remember to copy the floppy before each playthrough, and don’t underestimate the space potatoes.
As for me
Some Mechwarrior 2 (since it’s the only one where I’m not stuck playing Stravags in their stupid IS Mechs.)
Black Isle/Obsidian Fallout games, since they actually get (since they created it) the actual proper feel of the story.
Star Wars squadrons as I may have gotten a PSVR set for that specifically and it’s amazing to be in those cockpits)
The last two games of the Kyle Katarn Star Wars: Dark Forces: Jedi Knight: games with the saber realistic combat code on.
I don’t have time for other games. Those keys aren’t going to push themselves.
I just pick those two because they’re popular and well-known. Not that I’m trying to be a contrarian or anything. I think they make good examples because if someone hasn’t played those two games, then they likely haven’t played many other big names. It’s easier than saying that I haven’t played Mario Odessy, Breath of the Wild, Cyberpunk, Last of Us, Hades, Hitman, Minecraft for more than an hour, ect.
As for the “never will” part, it’s really just because this recent stint into singleplayer games was fun but also uncommon for me. There are so many other games like the ones I just listed that I’d also want to play and I don’t think it’s realistic for me to get around to playing all of them.
I didn’t mean anything confrontational by it.
Edit: It’s more of a disclaimer to devalue my own opinion by being upfront that I haven’t played many of the more popular and more recent games.
That game ruined the rest of the ES series for me
All good, i was just curious, fyi, Witcher 3 (the fully updated and current patch/DLC’d up version) is an absolutely amazing game, if you ever dip your toes back in, you should really give it a try.
Thank you very much for the recommendation. I’ve added it to my wishlist on Steam and will look for it next time it is on sale. Hope you have an enjoyable time.
You should play God of War. At first, when I first heard about the game I thought it was just a guy’s game, I had thoughts about returning GOW4 but as I kept playing, I realized the story was wonderful. One of the best games I’ve ever played. Though, I understand why you don’t want to play the witcher. The characters are written so well and they actually feel real.
You’re welcome, enjoy!
I’ll add the one on Steam to my wishlist and wait for a sale, as well. Looking at the games I have played vs the ones I haven’t, the most common seems to be that I play games with a character creator mostly. The exceptions tend to be older games. Since I’m starting to try singleplayer games more, maybe it’s also time to try games without being able to create my own characters.
If you have a PS4 it’s like 10 bucks.
Any Zelda game excluding the Gameboy specific type ones…never liked them much.
Elden Ring is up there…Haven’t put that many hours into a console game since probably Breath of the Wild.