What is your favorite video game?

Besides WOW. My favorite is God of War Ragnarok.


When I am bored of WOW or just need time away plug in my Xbox One X and settle down with some WWE 2k22 or Madden NFL 23 where I am working on making a Cincinnati Bengals dream team. :tiger: :tiger2:


Diablo and any Civ game. I can play those for hours and hours, especially space Civs.


Star Fox 64.



I was in a club in high school where we used to trade a lot of old DOS games. I still have a huge collection and an old machine I play them on once in a while.

Early Civilization games.
Early Age of Empires
Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Sim City

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Hearthstone, it’s the Warcraft universe but it fits the small units of time I have to play better.

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Dream Daddy :see_no_evil:

Ok no, either FF7 Crisis Core or FF8… or maybe FF9. I really like Final Fantasies, lol.


RimWorld. I like commiting war crimes without the Geneva Convention breathing down my neck.


Either Stellaris or Pokemon emerald. I can, and will continue to, sink thousands of hours into Stellaris. But then Pokemon Emerald is peak Pokemon and a premium party builder game. Unfortunately I only ever meet those who started on 4th gen :c

Maybe ff10

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I have a lot of favorite video games. Top 10 wouldn’t do them justice.


FFXIV > Forza Horizon Series are my top 2. WoW aint even close to it anymore


Animal crossing! I did watch my son play the new god of war, we got that for him for Christmas. That is a super cool game. Certainly different than the ones I grew up with :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Monster Hunter, as a series really

Tri Ultimate or 4 Ultimate if I had to pick

The Sims 2 :partying_face:


I have a few that I flip between based on what I’m in the mood for.

X-Plane: Want to take a ride on an X-15 up to the edge of space? Want to tool around your hometown in an autogyro? Want to do anything in between? X-Plane has you covered. If it’s an aircraft that you’ve heard of, someone in the X-Plane community has built a model for it. If it’s an aircraft you’ve never heard of, someone’s probably built a model of that, too.

Kerbal Space Program: Where failure is not only an option, but fun. Some of the weird stuff I stack together in this game, the wonder isn’t that it flies well, the wonder is that it flies at all.

Marathon Series: The OG shooter (or one of them anyway). Bungie released them as open-source a while back so you can play them on just about any computer using the Aleph One engine. You can start with the original series – Marathon, Marathon 2: Durandal, and Marathon Infinity – and slide on from there to the fan-made scenarios, some of which are quite good. Two of the best are Rubicon and Eternal which extend the story past the end of Infinity.

Solitaire: And sometimes I just want to veg out.

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Snes RPGs, and early Final Fantasy games


Diablo II, Morrowind, Baldur’s Gate II, all the games made in the original DOOM Engine.


Run like hell. An older game but always a good play

It’s hard to narrow down even a top-10 list of favorite games of all time, but I can say if with certaintly that Mortal Kombat II (that’s MK2 not MK11) is far and away my favorite game of all time. Well, specifically the arcade version, though some of the ports were decent (Game Boy, Genesis) to good (Sega 32X, SNES, PSX) to great (MS-DOS) though some were more disappointing (Sega Saturn port should not be anywhere near as bad as it is on the hardware…the PS1 version is effectively the same port from the DOS port like the Saturn, but they had a few extra months to fix many of the problems…Probe Software should not have been in charge of the CD-based console ports even though they did job with DOS port and an alright job on the 32x).

Runner ups would include the likes of Diablo II, Unreal Tournament ('99), Perfect Dark, Quake 2, Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, Phoenix (both arcade and Atari 2600), Street Fighter Alpha 2, Double Dragon (arcade and Game Boy especially), Virtua Fighter, The Need For Speed: Porche Unleased (PC version not PS1), Daytona USA 2, Outrun 2 & Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast, Super Monkey Ball 2, Body Harvest on N64, Bangai-Oh, Shinobi III, RTCW, Popful Mail, Final Fight 3, Streets of Rage 2, No One Lives Forever, Dead or Alive 2, Vay, Ms. Pac-Man, Cotton 2/Boomerang, Super Fantasy Zone, F-15 Strike Eagle II, etc.