Well, I have many favorites but I’ll pick my favorite one as of right now.
Gerhman the First hunter from Bloodborne (violin ver) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziTzVY4ZpDs
Killer Instinct
FF7 both the original and the remake have fantastic music
Killer Instinct just has a LOT of variety. Mick Gordon went a little bonkers with it and I love it. Same for Celldweller in season 3
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Kingdom Hearts (any of them), the Mass Effect trilogy and Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 + 2 all have fantastic soundtracks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEtdyn2QEzA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lBPvfUuL54 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRcmtPVxrBU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn33LLmwzeY
Superman by Goldfinger
The arcade version of Double Dragon was an absolutely amazing arcade soundtrack, a master class in how to design from Kazunaka Yamane masterclass in how to put together a pounding, iconic arcade soundtrack with the YM2151 + additional PCM/ADPCM chip (from NEC, OKI, Ricoh, etc; just a single ADPCM channel Oki chip in Double Dragon, but DD2 rectified that) combination that was pervasive in that space for much of the mid-to-late 80s and early 90s. This was an absolutely iconic combination of sounds that defined the sound of arcades at the time with everyone from Technos to Atari to Konami to Sega etc on the FM bandwagon…though eventually the fully sample-based sound solutions eventually took over most of the arcade music.
Sadly, none of the home ports could do the arcade version justice, even the bit later Genesis port though that’s more of a problem of Pete Andrew and the others at Software Creations not getting access to the source code nor the game assets. But, Kazunaka Yamane’s own renditions in the NES are different but good, and his own renditions on the Game Boy port are even better than their NES counterparts. The only port to really do the original arcade music justice though is the Japanese Sega-Master-System/MarkIII’s FM Sound Unit music. I don’t like the standard PSG renditions in the Master System port, but whoever did the conversion to the FM-Sound-Unit’s YM2413 did an amazing job (maybe Arc System Work’s founder Minoru Kidooka?: they did the port, and he worked on some of their early sound drivers; however, the game doesn’t have a credit scroll). The Genesis version of the soundtrack should have been much closer than the Master System FM soundtrack…but it was sadly not to be.
The arcade version of the soundtrack was amazing though, and was a perfect fit for the side-scrolling beat-em-up action. Though there are only 9 tracks in the game, they are all awesome. However, the two absolute standouts are the iconic title theme and the Mission-02/Industrial/Great-Fray/Riot track (and Riot is the one that especially disappointing on the Genesis port).
I love FM synth, so if I’m going to mention Double Dragon, I have to mention the Streets of Rage 2 soundtrack by the great Yuzo Koshiro. It’s not his best soundtrack (IMO, that’s not one of his Genesis soundtracks, but instead ActRaiser), but, still, I feel I must at least acknowledge SoR2’s Go Straight:
I also love the FM-Towns/3DO CD arranged soundtrack for Super Street Fighter II (& Turbo). For the arcade releases, I actually prefer the FM soundtracks from the CPS1 releases (Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior/Champion Edition/'Turbo: Hyper Fighting) over the PCM+ADPCM sample-based music of the CPS2-based Super SF2 and Super SF2 Turbo. However, the CD arranged tracks in the FM-Towns, 3DO, *Street Fighter Collection 2* on PSX/Saturn, and the PS2/XBox home versions of Hyper Street Fighter II: Anniversary is just amazingly good remixes of the music.
Well, aside from the arranged Street Fighter II CD soundtrack, I’ve been all FM-synth, so I might as well stick with that because I love (good) FM-synth soundtracks:
Picks from two of my favorite Genesis soundtracks.
Shinobi Walks and Japonesque from Shinobi III:
Fancy Promenard and Picnic from Super Fantasy Zone:
And, I don’t care that Hiroshi Kawaguchi thinks his arcade Fantasy Zone soundtrack was better and disliked Super Fantasy Zone’s music: just like every soundtrack Naoki Kodaka touched on the NES/Genesis/SNES while at Sunsoft, Super Fantasy Zone’s soundtrack is absolutely amazing. It’s right up there with his work on NES and Genesis Batman, Batman Return of the Joker, Journey to Silius, Blaster Master, etc.
warrior march from rome total war.
From my childhood, definitely Perfect Dark.
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 OST
FF4 and Zelda: A Link to the Past
Damn it tough one I have soooo many favourites
But top ones in no specific order Destiny 1 & 2, Halo Reach, CE, 2 & 3 and last bunt not least literally all the Kingdom Hearts OST’s
Like there’s more too btw like I just love OST’s apparently it’s a stereotype for people of one of my identity groups too so
Also want to add this it’s the music that played during the Red War Campaign of Destiny 2 after you lost and were pushed of Ghauld ship forced to leave the city qnd head to the form surviving with no light
Honestly best Destiny moment ever really hope Bungie make Red War available again such an underated campaign that I’m hopi g Bungie take inspiration from with Light Fall to make a story where we do finally lose and then have to spend 4 seasons and then one whole expansion being Final Shape trying to survive and win back what we lost
Fifa 14 !
Porting into Dazar’alor
Difficult question. Right now it’s Cuphead.
There are too many for me to chose, but this one came along at a time in my life and it sucker punched me.
tony hawk pro skater?
all the songs were pretty good!
Hard to choose.
Doom (2016 and Eternal) have “The Only Thing They Fear Is You” and “BFG Division”.
Metal Gear Rising has “Rules of Nature” and “It Has To Be This Way”.
DMC series have “Devil Trigger” and “Bury the Light” and though the reboot kinda sucked, Combichrist absolutely killed the Soundtrack for it. Huge fan of “What The F*** Is Wrong With You” and “Get Your Body Beat”.
THPS is THPS. No further elaboration needed.
Kinda wild that the same guy who did Doom also did this:
Also, I don’t like fighting games much, but they seem to have universally good soundtracks. Never played King of Fighters, but the main theme (NOW OR NEVER) has been on my playlist since I heard it off a random facebook meme.
edit: Also shoutout to Wrath of the Righteous, where you’d get different themes based on what path you chose.
The Lich (Neutral Evil)
Angel (Lawful Good)
Trickster (Chaotic Neutral)
Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Doom 2016.