What is your favorite dog breed?

Yeah, I just don’t want to stress my main cutie. I live in Chicago- so there’s lots of strays that taunt my cat at the window and she freaks out. I fear getting another would hurt her. I would love if she would get motherly and adore a new kitty but I don’t know lol

Most “hunting dogs” by your definition are “bred for violence”. Pit bulls are actually people-pleasers. This is why they can be so easily trained to fight. Any dog inappropriately trained/socialized will be dangerous. I have worked for a vet for now over 25 years, handling some of the dogs people consider the most dangerous – pitt bulls, rottweilers, dobermans – and the only dog which sent me to the hospital from my job was a lab. Yup. A LABRADOR RETRIEVER. Supposedly one of the top gentlest dogs, but this one had a weird owner and was inappropriately trained/socialized. (Or simply NOT trained/socialized.)

Also, working for a vet, I will tell you the only dog all of you should want the most is a good old Heinz 57 MUTT. Get a no-breed-at-all mutt and you will see a lot less of your vet because they almost always lack a lot of the breed-related medical problems which curse purebreds. With few exceptions, they’re almost always just plain healthier overall.

If you have to have a purebred dog, I highly recommend pet insurance and make very sure the policy doesn’t have breed restrictions on coverage.


100% with ya there. its how the dogs brought up, not “what they are” that determines how they act. there some breds that can be more “mouthy” then others that can get them into trouble (accidental bites, ect).

hell, i looked after my moms workmates staffy when she was away for a month. only met him a week before the workmate left to make sure he was fine with me. after the month we were best buds. he was the most loving boofhead of a dog i have ever meet. he was still young but my god was he a little tank. he walked very well but anytime he would pull a little i would feel it

then you have people that just dont understand dog singles. dosnt help different breeds can do different singles, like my dalmatian used to do a “dalmatians smile” all the time to my grandfather. took him a wile to understand that my dog was just being happy to see him


German Shepherds. Specifically the working line with straight backs. I do not support the breeding of the sloped back ones, that’s just unhealthy.

It’s been 3 years since my last one passed away and we currently have no time for a new one.

His name is Levi, he was almost 10 years old, and the gentlest giant I’ve ever known. One big huggable ball of floof that wouldn’t hurt a fly. (He tried tho he just really sucked at catching them)
He had his own toddler bed and 3 baskets full of toys, and would always get a little human dinner in his food bowl in the evening. Defo a spoiled pupper.

He really liked birds. We have an aviary full of parakeets and tiels, and he’d always walk right past it so the tiels would whistle to him. Every time we let him out at night, he’d wake up the birds on purpose so they’d whistle. One time a goose got lost in our yard too and he tried to play fetch with it. Poor bird was terrified :joy: he meant well though. When we still had quail, a cat got into the aviary and the quails escaped. He managed to find one and brought it back to us in his mouth, unharmed. A very good boy indeed.

He ended up passing away to ball cc in May 2020. Apparently not fixing your dog is actually a health risk, and increased the risk of this type of cc. We thought we were doing him a favor with it, since he wasn’t a frisky dog at all.

Going through the pandemic in an empty house with no dog to walk, was probably one of the most depressing times of my life.

Miss ya bud.


Bulldog, their so goofy in their own way, along with their so cute! I definitely don’t support the breeding of them though, and I ever get one it would not be a pure breed or it would be adopted.


My god, I regret reading this. :sob: :crying_cat_face: :cry:

I’m a cat guy, but when I was little I had a beautiful GSD. Very loving and very protective of me.


I’ve seen folks with the labradoodles and I like them. They are very sweet dogs.



Boston Terrier,big dog in a little body

Gilnean Hound. Oh, you meant in real life. Toss up between Red Doberman Pinscher and Blue Nose Pitbull, as those were two of the most loyal and least troublesome dogs I’ve ever had.

I’m not sure I have a favorite dog breed, but given my dog is an Australian Shepherd and she’s my favorite dog, I’ll go with that (:green_heart:)

On the subject of dogs off the leash, I think it’s fine if they are perfectly trained, but unfortunately the fewest dogs are and the fewest owners can predict their dog’s behavior in all possible scenarios, so I guess I’m for leash laws being enforced more just because over all the saved lives (of animals and people alike) resulting from that would be worth more than the very few dogs who are trained perfectly getting to sniff that one spot they can’t reach on a long leash.

On the subject of dangerous dogs: Most dog breeds that are considered dangerous aren’t dangerous but too intelligent and competent for most owners. If you get a Dobermann, you have to consistently demonstrate that you are competent enough to handle every situation, more competent than the dog, and if you aren’t the dog will take charge, because they know they are more competent to handle the situation. This goes for all breeds really, but it’s simply easier to hold back a 50 pound dog than an 90 pound dog and easier to convince a dog who was bred to cooperate to listen to you than a dog who was bred to make decisions on their own.
Also, because of their reputation of being “dangerous”, dogs like Dobermans, Rottweilers, Pitbulls, etc. are probably purchased by people who want to seem “alpha” and “dangerous” more often than say Golden Retrievers, and then those people are probably more likely to encourage intimidating behavior in their dog than your average dog owner who wants a cuddly family dog. No dog is born dangerous.

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i keep thinking i hear my old dog honor. i dont know why. i keep expecting him to be there barking at us when we come home.

It’s not actually blue per se, it’s grey, but when the sun hit the fur you can see a metalic shade of blue sometimes. Google it it’s so pretty

I like herding type dogs. I have a border collie, a Queensland heeler and a border/heeler mix (no relation).

My second fav are chow chows and Shiba inu.

I’m not much of a dog person, but if I had to choose, I’d say pretty much any of the small dog breeds.

And definitely pick one that has a more laid-back, easy-going temperament. I don’t do well with the high energy or the more aggressive ones. I don’t have a lot of energy for big dogs that require you getting out and exercising them for hours which in lotta ways will probably do me a lot of good, but I work so much and with School being full-time.

And we typically pick female dogs that are rescues or people are moving and need to find a home. Having some age on them is great as well as being properly housetrained.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Corgis are cute. Just lil sassy loaves of bread

On one hand, the demand for pure-breed has led to a lot of poorly bred dogs who have massive health complications all in the name of profit. Some dog breeds are basically a crime against humanity.

On the other hand, Labradors.

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Well I have a Jack Chi so I’m growing fond of them.

My all time favorite breed though is Cane Corso.