What is your favorite dog breed?

We’ve had two Yorkie-poos which were the best behaved dogs I’ve ever seen, never needed a leash, never aggressive, very loving and very smart.

We then got two chihuahuas. My guild is named after one of them, though he passed away back in 2019. We still have the little girl chihuahua and I’d say that breed is probably my favorite. Raise them right and they are really good dogs.

You could say that about a lot of dog breeds. They were wild first. Terriers were bred to kill rats. There are 15 different breeds used in fighting rings. Mastiffs, huskies, bulldogs, shepherds…basically any dog that’s not tiny is a potential killer of humans. It’s all how they’re raised and trained, not the breed. My cousin has a pitbull that’s the most gentle, sweet dog I’ve ever been around.


I’m not really a fan of pets. They require too much responsibility, and bringing them to a vet when they are sick is expensive.

But… I do prefer being a masochist roleplaying someone else’s pet!

I enjoy being treated like a furry animal, wearing collars, eating out of bowls, and being trained by my “owner.” My owner takes me out on walks on a leash and even sometimes puts me in a cage at night with an excrement bucket!

But my biggest pet masochist dream is for my owner to enter me in a local pet show. I dream of being paraded around in front of a crowd, wearing a cute outfit and performing tricks like a trained animal.

My favorite pet breed is myself!!!



I have a female friend who makes good money doing that sort of stuff for well paying clients taking weekend “business trips.”

I don’t think a robot will be taking her job any time soon.

again, lolwut…

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German Shepherd. I have one.

Prolly the breed i’ll always focus on, they’re just fun to train and very smart/expressive. I want a second one once i have my own place.

Wow this thread took a turn didn’t it?

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German Shorthaired Pointer


If you look at the real history Mastiff were not originally bred for fighting rings, that’s a thing that came to life over time and people who chose to do so.

yeah they have been used for that but primarily they are used for hunting and also trained by people with good intent over bad intent are also nanny breeds.

Chihuahua. I’ve had a Chihuahua sitting by my side since 1958.

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You know? I’ve had dogs all my life but I’ve never actually thought about this. I’ve always just had mutts. Which I love.


Chow chow!!!

With their little purple tongues and teddy bear hair, they are soooooo cute.

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Ancient Celts and Mongolians (among other cultures) used mastiffs for hunting and warfare. Like I said, how dangerous a dog is depends on how they were raised and their training, not the breed.


Pit bulls. The three I’ve known had loving, playful, nigh-puppyish personalities.


What a dangerous assumption. I believe it’s people like you who shouldn’t own certain breeds because of your ignorance. Of course there are different dogs with different personalities, it does not change the fact of what they are or their size.

Even chow chows like I said I liked are terribly dangerous to leave around little children. They are loyal and sweet but Jesus they can have tempers, and with their size it would be a horrible decision to believe it would be ok because they usually nice.

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Labs are definitely at the top of my list of dog breeds. Can only say I don’t much care for a few breeds and they are all small ones.

All dogs wish they could be labs and all labs wish they could be black labs. :smiley:

German Shepherd mixed with something else

I like how German Shepherds look but I dislike the super inbreeding “pure” breeds have as well has the numerous health issues like their hips

So a nice mix means you still get the nice base but with less problens

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I love Golden Retrievers, have two of them, and have had several through my life.

Pitties are clowns, they go out of their way to make you laugh with their hijinks. They’re wonderful with kittens too, when my cat had kittens, good grief, the way he would constantly mother-hen them and keep them out of trouble was just too cute.