What is your favorite dog breed?

He’s guiding him on the world

Yeah, he doesn’t need the guidance anymore he turned 2 on 4/20. His full name is Sherman Snoop Dog, Sherman for short.

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Sherman Snoop Dog 420 BLAZEIT the newfie

My lovable mutt. We did a DNA test when we got her. She American Staffordshire Terrier, Boxer, German Shepherd, Labrador, Golden Retriever and Beagle.


She’s adorable.


all dogs!!! lol but really, probably the bigger breeds. dogs need to be… well… DOGS!!! not a tiny thing my cat could bully and beat up, lol.

i had a dalmatian as a kid (got him when my sister was born so i had a firend ot play with when my mom and dad were looking after the baby) and loved him so much. he was my best friend even tho he was a little weird around men (as a small kid i never noticed) and an escape artist before hes balls got the chop.

i would love to get a greyhound or/and a german shepherd as my next dog(s). adopting a greyhound would also be nice, giving them a 3nd chance at a new life. but as i said, all dogs are good.



I love greyhounds! I told my husband our next dog would be a rescue/retired racer.


I once had a cat and he scratched my long-haired german shepherd pretty good because he was harassing him. Pretty sure he still has a tiny chunk out of his ear gone, but guess what? He learned his lesson and never bothered the cat ever again. The moral of the story is don’t f with cats.


There is a pair of corgies I love on Instagram- Brady and Graffiti. Graffiti will always go and sit on his original owners face, like suffocating him. Do they just not know how to turn the love down?

funny how big dogs always think there small and will try and sit in your lap. my dog did it all the time


My 60# dog thinks all laps are for sitting. It’s so funny to see her try and sit on my 56# kid!


when i go for my walks around a park i live next to i see a few of them from time to time. had a chat with a lady who had 2 and they were both x race dogs. they were sooooo lovely and wanted all the pats

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They are really sweet. Unfortunately, you have to watch them around small animals as that’s what they were trained to chase.

yer, they have to be on the lead all the time and somtimes have a muzzel on.

if not then they will chase anything, squirrels, cats, small dogs. anything will look like pray to them

but still, how cant you love the dog thats known as the the 70km/hr couch potato, lol

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Oscar Meyer

I like Kelpies and Chihuahuas!

Chihuahua dachshund mix is a very handsome breed.


The best boy

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My dog lived in a cage for the first year of his life. He was rescued by my brother, who had too many pets at some point, then the doggy lived with my dad for a while. Now he’s my doggy. He’s super attached to me. He’s known me for most of his life and he was very happy to come live with me.