What is your favorite dog breed?

tell me this, is it irresponsible for my neighbor to walk their pit and let go of the leash? if its in my vicinity then its commonplace

Belgians are very protective of their family and territory, makes them amazing police/military dogs.

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Also known as anxiety pets.

I had a pit bull mix when I lived in San Francisco. He was reclassified as a St Francis Terrier, for which you had to go through all sorts of stuff, home inspections, routine behavioral tests, etc.

He was a super-social dog. I’d tie him up out front of a cafe when I’d go out for coffee, and he’d always greet people who wanted to say hello, as they walked by. I’d always sit near the front to keep an eye on him, and he was trained to obey hand gestures so I could always have him sit or lie back down if he was getting too excitable.

When people would see me doing it, I’d get a lot of “Is that you’re dog? He’s so friendly!” from folks.


No, it’s not. I walked my rott off leash all the time. I walk my staffy mutt mix off leash all the time. Recall training is amazing.

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I like to think as with any dog if it isn’t trained right it has a notion to be dangerous and that relies on the human if my dog even though she was a mutt wasn’t trained when we did it as a puppy even she would’ve been bad. It isn’t the dogs fault their human owner doesn’t care about them.


so you’re one of the irresponsible ones but feel like you arent. good to know.


Just because they’re off a leash doesn’t mean they’re bad dogs, sometimes the owner just trusts them. I’ll admit, I don’t like dogs off leashes in general, but one to each to their own. Not to mention, pretty sure Nora did state her dog is trained.

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My concern is always for the dog’s safety.

more importantly human beings near the dogs safety

the only dogs ill accept off a leash is service dogs

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Yup, a person who has devoted their education and career to canine behavior and vet medicine is irresponsible bc they put in the time and effort to train and socialize their dogs.

Agreed, I think it’s fine if they’re in a park and whatever, but if there’s cars around or you’re worried they might run off then I don’t like it.

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That’s exactly what it was. Knew if anyone in the house called for help he was the dog that was gonna be first in line to come to your aid.

My mom liked him. She faked a fall once to see how he’d react and he showed VERY concerned behavior.

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What if the dog is on a leash but is holdings its’ own leash


idc if you’re even the dog whisperer. to me you’re just another forumite with bad takes. just as i might be to you, but my takes are always right.

main character syndrome and all that


Ok troll :troll:


Or if the cat is walking it.


Cats dont need to leash humans because we just succumb to their demonic power and feed them. It makes sense they would leash dogs though

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Totally a WoW related topic, and should not be removed to irrelevancy.