What is your favorite dog breed?

It is a well known fact that to question another’s character based on the pet they choose to love is completely sane. :crazy_face:

actually this ive had it open a while now

i read this but its just jabber to quell dissent from angry pit and rottweiler owners

The AVMA or American Veterinary Medical Association conducted an in-depth literature review to analyze existing studies on dog bites and serious injuries. Their findings indicate that there is no single breed that stands out as the most dangerous .

According to their review, studies indicate breed is not a dependable marker or predictor of dangerous behavior in dogs . Better and more reliable indicators include owner behavior, training, sex, neuter status, dog’s location (urban vs. rural), and even varying ownership trends over the passing of time or geographic location.

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I do that every day. 70% of our client base is pitts, rotts, shepherds.

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Gotta watch out for the little ones. People think they are cute and don’t train them, then think it’s funny when they act aggressive which actually encourages the behavior.


all the more reason to make owning pits and rottweilers illegal

most people with them as pets are irresponsible


How about we just make irresponsible people illegal, instead.


Again, a gross stereotype.


if there were no stereotypes discussions wouldnt exist

i did say most, and that is true. otherwise they wouldnt be the leading breed killing people babies and wrecking homes. all that leads to their warranted euthanizing

so long as the dog is not a threat to life then its okay but people are stupid and them owning those dogs is gross. make the pits illegal and maybe the symptom goes away

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You know what pets are actually an honest-to-goodness ecological disaster?


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good thing my cat is an indoor only cat. even my vet says its great


Thread is literally about favorite dog breeds but you’re here just talking about your least favorite. Obvious troll


its not least favorite. its not even a favorite. i already said my favorite is huskies

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Interesting read about what’s real and what’s not relating to pit bulls.

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And where are your facts that “most” owners of those breeds are irresponsible? From credited sources.

A lot of times reports on the breed involved are misleading. They are quick to label any breed with a stocky build and block head a rott or pit. Have you ever seen a black English lab? The number of times I’ve seen them labeled as rotts or pit mixes is astounding.

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webmd the same webmd that says your ear infection is cancer

Yeah the “dog everybody hates” changes over time. I’m old enough to remember when it was rottweilers, and then german shepherds before that, and the doberman hysteria before that.

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but the truest menace is the chiwawa

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You’d have loved our 3 pitts. Two of em weren’t the most intelligent, but they were love-able. Never had any concern with them biting visitors. If anything they loved strangers coming to the house and got in the way. Our Belgian Malinois? Smart as they come but man did we have to keep an eye on him. If there was one of the 4 that was gonna be responsible for a bite it was gonna be him.

We took to shutting him away in a closed room because after he boxed in a family friend in a hallway.