What is your favorite dog breed?

Awwwww, they are not ‘Pit’bulls. They are ‘Luva’bulls!! My boy blue is snuggled up with me now! So good natured and kind he is! Definitely my favorite dogs. :slightly_smiling_face:


so they are bred for violence which doesnt discount my assessment that they are violent in nature and even a baby can be a victim of it


All of them.


Aussie Shepherd.

Because I miss my aussie.


My first dog was a rottweiler. She was amazing, loved kids, tried to be a mother to litter of kittens, saved me from a snake bite. Never met anyone she didn’t like…unless they were trying to hurt me. It just irks me when others spread false information on things they know nothing about (not you specifically).


if those monsters are your favorite i question your character

huskies instincts are to kill small animals but at least they wont kill a baby

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every time our poodle saw a rabbit he would immediately go after it and attempt to kill it.

cats do the same theyre in their nature but they werent bred for killing or snapping at a sudden movement like a baby waving its hands.

My newfie brought in a dead rabbit once, definitely not fun. I don’t think he was allowed on the bed that night.

i hate great danes.

my interaction was having their jaw pried off my side, and a visit to hospital.

A baby can be a victim of any dog breed (there was a story not to long ago in my area of a woman who lost her infant to her 4 dachshunds) and any dog breed is capable of violence. Labs were bred to hunt, they are quicker to bite than most other breeds of that size.

Just report the dog-haters and move on, everyone. No point letting them tarnish a happiness thread.


labs are also used to find people in rubble no?

every breed has its risks and uses and qualities but pits and rotweillers have the most unredeeming of qualities

and they lead in most kills by dogs

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Oh no. Cash was a champion purebred show dog, so was obviously used to people and being touched. I could def see a less trained one being not as nice. I just like this dog the size of a small horse chilling and vibing

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I’ve owned 3 Old English Mastiffs over the years. Wonderful, affectionate dogs. Never had to chase them when I took them for a walk in the hills. They always came when called. I took mine everywhere, even to union meetings. The guys loved them.

Recently I’ve been watching videos of Boerboels. They are South African mastiffs. They look almost exactly like the Old English but are a bit more active and get just as huge. If I get another dog that would be my choice.

I’m sorry that happened, truly. I had a Great Dane bite my face when I was kid bc I squealed looking at her puppies, required 10 stitches. Today I work with dogs for a living, I don’t hold a singles dogs actions against an entire breed.

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id love to see you handle 4 to 6 pitbulls and rotweillers

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I’ve enjoyed most of our pitbulls and our Belgian Malinois.

Then there’s our two current mutts.

No kidding. I just had the Dachshund that some people that live down from me own tag me SEVERAL times just this Monday. Completely unprovoked and it required an urgent care visit due to puncture wounds. My hand is STILL bruised from the bites.

I carry dog mace now, which I’ve never had to on my street before. Nearly got used yesterday on another small dog breed that came at me aggressively.


And where’d you hear that? If you site dogbites.org I’ll know you aren’t worth continuing a conversation with.