What is your favorite dog breed?

My blue nose pitt is the cutest youve ever seen. Shes a weenie tho, afraid of her own farts.

Hate the deed not the breed.


Never had a dog, but I’ve always loved Beagles:


That’s a gross stereotype. In the last 10 years working in a vet clinic only one client pitbull bit someone, in that same 10 year span we had 23 Labradors bite (12 of those requiring trips to the the hospital), 18 golden retriever bites and a whopping 73 golden doodle bites. The number of attempted maulings from small breeds that ranged to barely a mark to upwards of 30 stitches would shock you.


Your dane is blue? I have a mocha latte newfoundland

Sheltie. I had one as a kid and she was a wonderful dog.


Border Collie and German Shepard.

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standard poodle.

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not pitbulls or rotweillers for obvious reasons

i like huskies


Seeing as how mine was a mutt mixed breed and she lived for 15 and a half years that by far is my most favorite.

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Boston Terrier is best doggo. Boxer is also very good boy, but bigger and probably the silliest dumbest of doggos


I do love some big dog breed too, especially ones as polite as Cash- Great Dane. Other little dogs try to start something and he just pretends they don’t exist

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I saw a rotweiller on tiktok and he looked so gentle and he is actually, he just loves his toys. But pitbulls I understand.

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likes his toys until something in his nature snaps and he is on a babies neck. i just cannot with either breed. a person who lives by me walks her pit and lets go of the leash i just cannot

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As a professional in the vet field it is actually sad to see people judging breeds based on sensationalized media (most of which don’t even get the breed of dog correct in their report) instead of on facts from professionals within the field. I’m willing to bet more than half the people who claim they don’t like a specific breed, have never actually interacted with that breed.

a pit can be loved and trained well but they were bred for killing other dogs in pits thats why theyre called pitbulls

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Yeah, I agree, I just thought the rottweiler I saw on tiktok was cute. I’d never get one though.

One of the best dogs I have ever owned was a Bull Mastiff. She was such a sweetie and she had a little pink teddy bear that was her favorite toy and she carried it everywhere. Whenever my mom and I got into verbal fights she would bark to try and get our attention so we wouldn’t fight. It’s been about 10 years since I lost her to cancer and no other dog has compared to her.

While that is my top breed, Shiba Inu comes in a close second, but I’ve only ever owned cats since I lost her.


As far as large breeds go, if you cant lift it don’t own it. Dogs unfortunately do not live long lives even under the best circumstances. You will eventually find yourself in care of a senior animal that may need assistance getting up and down stairs.

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That is false. They were not originally bred for dog fighting. They were bred for bull baiting and hunting.