What is your favorite dog breed?

I like Boxer’s

English Bulldog.

I’ve grown up with Pugs, Labradors, Poodle, Great Dane and I’ve always favored the English Bulldog. Downside is all the health problems they tend to have and pretty short life spans.

I’ve a weakness for Afghan Hounds (Saluki) and Corgis :service_dog:

Worgen, they may lack tails but they play dead so adorably.

Short lifespans for sure. Our second-last Dane only made it to 5 before we lost her to cancer, but our last Dane actually made it to 11, only five months away from making it to 12 (RIP Luna). Her body just gave out on her, so we spoiled her extra on her last day, and our vet (a long-time family friend) came out to our place. Luna was surrounded by five of her favorite people on the planet as she drifted off to sleep. I bawled my eyes out. But I wouldn’t change a single thing – she was just a truly amazing member of the family.


Newfie or giant malamute. I love big floofs.

I have a wolfdog currently, shes in her spring shed. She’ll look like a drowned rat when it’s done, but in the winter, she is magnificent and soooo fluffy.

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I had greys for over 15 years, love the breed! Love sighthounds in general.

We now have a Whippet puppy, as after our last grey passed away, I wanted a dog that I could lift (I was home alone when one of our greys had a medical emergency and could not lift them to get them to/into my vehicle and I do not want to go through that again).

Whippets may look like miniature greys, but they have so much personality packed into that small body! She is such a joy, and added Whippets to my favorites list forever.

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Regardless of what the media is trying to brainwash the general public into believing, there are many purebred breeders who put their hearts and souls into their dogs, do extensive health testing, and offer guarantees on their puppies. I think there is beauty in all dog breeds. Except for the hairless dogs perhaps - but I sure don’t judge those who love them. :wink:

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No idea why someone flagged the OP, but Husky or Black Lab here, such as my Ember doing a spider impersonation, or giving me a ‘I don’t know why I tolerate you’ look:

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We have a pair of greyhounds that come in to lodge with us and they are always amazing. So calm and relaxed. The retired racers are my favorite to do nail trims on, lol, and that’s one of the things I hate most. But they just stand there all statue like. Such a nice change compared to all the other dogs who flail around and cry like youre killing them (attention all dog owners, touch your dogs feet! Play with the toes! Pet them! Every day! Your vet staff will thank you!). And to see them run! Wow!

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Yes! People really need to get their dogs/puppies used to being handled. Touch feet and toes, lift paws up, touch their tails, touch their ears, open their mouth (gently) and brush their teeth. Get them used to being handled. Groomers, vtechs and vets will thank you!

It’s truly breathtaking. I had many people tell me their dogs were fast, but side (briefly) by side with a grey they’d be like, “OMG it’s like my dog was standing still!”

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While that is true, there are also breeders out there (as well as members of the AKC etc) that are actively destroying a breeds health with their ridiculous standards. The English/French Bulldog for example. Over the years they have amended the breed standard for shorter and shorter muzzles and bulkier bodies. Despite warnings from the vet professional community they are actively harming these animals to fill some gross self satisfaction for appearance. The average lifespan of brachycephalic breeds has been drastically reduced while their health is atrocious. Unfortunately as long as people keep buying them, they will continue to be bred. It’s bad enough that female English bulldogs cannot even have a natural delivery, they all are C-section births due to the heads being too big. Then, that dog is subject to life long problems with respiratory issues, joint issues, fungal infections, inability to regulate body temperature properly among many others.

People get outraged over the topic of docking tails and cropping ears, but never say a word about the inhumane breed standard for brachycephalic dogs. And don’t even get me started on the breeding of roach back GSDs.

Definitely one of those dogs you need to exercise properly or they’ll cause trouble. Also, they can make striking mixes. We had ours at the same time as a GSP and they had puppies (although this was geeze, late 80s early 90s) and I finally in the last few years have seen a photo of a grown up one

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I think they are so adorable!



Our Bernese Mountain Dog. He’s SUCH a sweet heart. For people who know the breed? He’s ten


My dog lives by the acronym ABR


German Shephards :smiley:

My dog is a Cattle Dog/German Sheppard mix and I love her to death, would never trade that breed in for the world. However, I do love Labradoodles and Beagles as well.

Aussie Shepherd. I have four females.

7-year old Charlie

1 1/2-year old Jessie

6-month old Lexi

6-month old (litter mates) Pepper. I was trying to get a picture of her half blue, half brown eye (right one.)

Pepper passed away 24 Aug '23 and I can’t handle seeing her every time someone bumps this thread so I removed the picture.

There was a bad storm in Ohio that day and a gate was knocked open. My daughter didn’t know this when she let the dogs out. That gate led to a pasture and my mare kicked her.

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