What is your favorite dog breed?

Beagles for sure. I like all hounds though

They really are

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Is this post for ideas for Pets in the game?

Black Labrador Retriever

There is no such thing as a bad dog.

People make bad dogs.


Nah some breeds are just bad. Too many times I’ve seen in the news where a family pet pit bull turned on it’s owners. They had it since a pup and it was never used for fighting etc etc.

Also, you can say “blah blah blah it’s the owners’ fault” but all dog breeds have to suffer bad owners however those breeds don’t make up 64% of fatal dog attacks. Someone mistreats their cocker spaniel? That’s horrible but that cocker isn’t going to make the 5pm news for killing an old lady.

Breeds like that are being banned in the UK. I really wish the US would follow suit.

Lol let me guess, you got your information from dogbites. Org


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No, the first website that came up when I Googled it was called “breedingbusiness.com”.

So… do you have anything that proves these websites wrong or are you going to be like every other pit owner that does this:

I mean, you had to know the first thing I was going to say was “prove me wrong” so you could have just provided it but we both know that proof doesn’t exist.

Edit: Btw, I don’t need any website to tell me what my eyes and ears see and hear.

I was given a pit bull puppy when I was a kid and that dog turned on me. No, I didn’t use it for fighting. I didn’t mistreat it. All I did was love that dog and it turned on me. The only thing that saved my life was a stack of hay bails that I was able to climb on until my brother rescued me.

My dad was visiting a family friend and as he was walking up to their front door he was hit from out of no where. My dad was 6’3 and when this dog attacked him, he shielded his face with his forearm because the dog jumped towards his throat or face. A large chunk of flesh was torn from his arm. That family friend didn’t use that dog for fighting and didn’t mistreat it either.

And I have been watching the news and court TV shows my entire adult life. I see the news articles. I see hundreds of cases of people suing pit owners because their pit killed their dog, cat, goat, whatever. There’s also the fact that most home owner’s insurance companies won’t insure your house or cover you for undisclosed pits if something happens but that’s because they’re prejudice and they’re not going off statistics, amiright? I mean, what insurance company goes off statistics :rofl: :rofl:

But you guys go ahead and keep squawking about “it’s the owner; not the breed” until the day that dog is chewing on your corpse. Just remember before things go dark that your sweetie wouldn’t hurt a fly.

I have 20 years of experience with the breed and all other breeds. It’s my career. I don’t need to prove you wrong bc I don’t care that you are a follower of media propaganda. They’ll say any dog with a blocky head is a pit or pit mix and that covers at least 15 different breeds that aren’t even related.

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Right, right and the conspiracy is that the media just randomly picked pit bulls “for reasons”, right? Back in the day they had this big wheel with each dog breed on it and the pit bull was the unlucky winner. They had no basis for picking this dog as the breed they’re going to demonize :roll_eyes:

Typical pit bull owner.

And btw, I can just about hear your thoughts as I told you about my own pit bull experience. “They did something wrong.” “They didn’t train their dog correctly.” Blah blah blah.

Know what happens if I don’t train my Aussies correctly? They chew up a shoe or they jump on guests that come into my house. They don’t run around the neighborhood killing cats, other dogs, goats, small children and/or old people.

(I keep saying goat because my goat was killed by my brother’s pit. I had to listen to the same :poop: you’re spewing from him until he had to rescue me and our dad had to get multiple surgeries on his arm.)


No, people that want to know what they’re getting choose breeds. I want an intelligent and gentle dog with lots of personality. I know I get that from an Aussie.

I also want to support responsible breeding. Puppy mills and inbreeders are worst case scenarios, not the norm. The norm is people that breed their dog once or twice then get them fixed. The norm, in my case since I always buy Aussies, are breeders that make sure they don’t breed two merles together. If I go to a breeder and I don’t see a solid or tri parent, I’m turning around and walking out the door.

Did the puppy at the shelter have a brother and sisters as a parent? I don’t know. Does the puppy at the shelter have a parent(s) that’s a dangerous breed that won’t be covered by my homeowners insurance? I don’t know. Did the breeder care about making sure the parents didn’t have genetic birth defects before they let them mate? I’m gonna guess no. Did the person that dropped the puppy or adult dog off at the shelter treat this dog right so I know it will be safe around my children? Again, probably not.

So don’t sit there and try to insult and shame people that put some thought into their pet choices. How nice that you can pat yourself on the back for adopting and not shopping but you’re the one supporting irresponsible breeding, not me. Why should irresponsible pet owners fix their pets when they can just say to themselves “why spend hundreds of dollars to get this dog fixed when I can just drop off her puppies at the pound and some sucker will adopt them?”

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are you hoping for a variety of dog related mounts in game???

Mine would have to be a Corgi or a Beagle. My aunt had a Beagle and she would look at you with those sad eyes. Our Corgi is so sweet and loves to be petted.

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Shiba because of their catlike tendencies and I love cats. But also samoyeds. They’re so cute and I’ve never met one that wasn’t a character.

A 185 lb Great Dane…miss my Patton…

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Before she passed away my dog was a cattle dog/german shepherd mix and I miss her greatly. She was the best dog. I also have a soft spot for boxers as my father raised them when I was growing up.

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