What is your favorite dog breed?

great dogs. goldens are big sweet snuggle bunnies as well. its just do you want big or small cant go wrong either way.

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Shih Tzu and Bouvier des Flandres. Two smart dogs, both clowns. One small, one really big, both fluffy but neither shed on you :slight_smile:

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Husky! They’re like dog-shaped toddlers, lol. Drama queens but super floofy and fun (except the shedding
 my gods the shedding!)


standard showbred poodles. white color.

We have a black Lab and he’s just the best. 9 years old and still acts like a puppy :slight_smile:

I have had beagles all my life. love them. So much sass and personality

I wanted one growing up sooo badly (due to the book shiloh). Never panned out that way and my lifestyle doesn’t fit their needs. But they will always have a special place in my heart.

they take a lot of work and need a lot of physical and mental stimulation. Definitely not for everyone. But they are just the sweetest!

Mine is the American Akita, best dog I have ever owned or worked with.


Have two right now. One is a Bernese Mountain Dog, Rottweiler, American Pitbull puppy. The other is an American Pitbull, Toy Poodle, Cocker Spaniel mix.

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Those are some crazy mixes.

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Tabby although Siamese is my second favorite

Labradorks :slight_smile:

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Siberian Huskies. I have four of them currently. :wink:

  1. Yellow Labrador
  2. German Shepherd
  3. Chinese Char Pei

I like how you posted this just a few short posts after some one linked an article of a huskie doing exactly that.

saint bernard and saintbernard lab mix. they are the biggest lovable hugging dogs. they were bred to cuddles and keep people warm in the winter.

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Mutts all the way. Currently have two brothers from a German Shepherd-Coonhound mix litter.


Great Danes, followed by GSDs and similar, followed by labs and retrievers. Followed by basically any other large dog. The bigger the dog, the better, IMO.

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Other people’s dogs.