What is your favorite dog breed?

When I was a kid, we always had German Shepards.

I have always had a dog. Currently we have a Yorkshire Terrier and a mix bread something. Love them both.

Top 5 in no particular order.

  1. Husky
  2. Shiba Inu
  3. Samoyed
  4. GSD
  5. Belgian Malinois

But I love all dogs, Rotty’s and Pittys could easily be in my top 5 too

I really don’t like dogs I’m a cat person but Alaskan husky and pure German shepherds are nice

a cat.

But, Shiba Inu probs

im that lizzo song only instead of how much i like boys i just wanna sing about how much i love dogs

except jack russells. they’re the absolute worst. i can handle rottweilers and american akitas and jumpy malinois and whale-eyeing chihuahuas, even got a border collie/malinois cross on the books that’s pretty much the canine personification of coke, but a jack russell terrier owner walks into a veterinary practice with their dog and i know SOMEONE’S getting bitten and it’s 50/50 if it’s the owner or one of the staff.

Golden Retriever. Just lost mine back in Feb 2. She was 11 and a half years old. Best thing that ever happened to me and she is gone. Named her after this character.


Huskies and German Shepards.

Goldens are up there as well buuuut, if I had to choose, give me a mutt any day of the week.

Breeding of bulldogs with breathing issues should frankly be banned. It’s crazy that they’re so popular. People have noooo idea how many vet bills they’re in for and how much these animals are suffering. Humans are ookin’ stupid.

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Black Mouth Cur

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Tibetan Mastiff! Though, if I am to actually GET a dog, it would be a Dobermann!

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my golden retriever is the best dog ive ever owned.

I’ve only ever owned mutts, so mutts.

Preferably ones with some fluff.

been a flooring installer for over 40 years so have been in a bajillion homes and met a bajillion dogs. wiener dogs have a special place in my heart. never met one i didnt like.


Hehe, yeah. Beautiful dogs but you’d have to hit the lottery big to afford one.

Addendum to my last comment. Favorite breed: Akita!

I had an Akita mix I’d found at a shelter. Black snout, black ears, no expression. She looked incredibly intimidating.

Ended up being the best dog I’ve ever had. Reserved and protective, but friendly with everyone, even kids. Would stick by my side anywhere I went.

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My favorite breed is a canine, but not a dog, and very much attainable as a pet.

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Australian Sheppard, have two and love them both!

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those are sweethearts, used to work at a vets for 5+ years. Never met a bad weenie, I plan to get one someday. Such lovebugs.

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German Shepherd is my favourite hands down. I have my current goodest of good boys, and have owned several in the past.

That said, most dog are lovable companions regardless.

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