What is your favorite dog breed?

Wiener dog! They’re smol and adorbs.
Also I like the catahoula leopard doggo<3
:rainbow: :sunflower::dog2:

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What has dog to do with rainbow?


I miss Chappy, my late Labrador Retriever. He never had the chance to get to know me well, because…well…I am 3-in-1.

Hm… It’s just icons of things I like?
Rainbows are cool! 'n I like the colors C:

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I prefer cats… too bad I’m allergic to 'em.
Allergies won’t stop me tho XD

I’m pretty sure I’m going to regret asking, but out of curiosity what does that mean? It’s a new phrase to me.


I dont know either


My step daughter pronounced it “shib nitsu” and I was like “I don’t think that’s real” but here it’s the doge from doge coin!

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what if you cross that with the legendary chiwauaua

I guess you could link Toto to a rainbow LOL… Wizard of Oz … Somewhere over the Rainbow… grasping at straws here.

I love huskies, but I don’t feel right having one around during the summer. Feels like abuse for vanity.

German shepherds are next and lastly bulldogs

LoL its hard to think of anything past few years when someone puts rainbow sign

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My favorite looking dog is the doberman.

However, I don’t keep dogs, I keep reptiles (including birds).

I have a Black Russian Terrier. That is my favorite :smiley:


The only thing I will think of when I see a rainbow is an actual rainbow in the sky. Something so beautiful is only created for and by nature for us to enjoy its beauty. I try not to add anything more to that.

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would you guys want these dog breeds as pets here

chihuahua’s, and that includes my little 7 pound darling sitting next to my keyboard, and my 15 pound mix.

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don’t really have one. have had about 6 different dog breeds over the years ( not all mine just like family pet i only have 1 dog which is a min pin ). for me it’s not really the dog breed but the individual dogs temperment. some are fine but most of our dogs usually have 1 thing in common which is they are very selective towards other dogs meaning they get along with some but not all and thus makes it hard for us to really take them out to dog parks and just walking them with other dogs around.

it’s never really been a huge issue for us though and no we don’t train them we still take them out and what not we just let people know like hey our dog may not be super friendly to your dog. the 2 dogs we have now are both rescues and were strays. they don’t get along with each other and one in particular is kinda clingy.