What is your favorite dog breed?


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My best dogs have always been mutts (mixed breeds). If I got to choose it would be a Jack Russel or Bull Terrier. I’m a terrier type of guy. I keep getting stuck with these Cocker Spaniels. Good dogs, smart as whip, but so so much hair. Immense personality. This one I have now, Mo has green eyes. Never saw a green eyed dog before. He’s a good boy.

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Or rescue. There are breed specific rescues.

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English Mastiff, though I don’t have one atm.

but I’m a big, big fan of big blocky headed dogs. Also a big fan of dogs that aren’t smarter than I am. Smart dogs are too much work.

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I prefer rescue mutts. They are the absolute best!!! Love my Karma :heart: :heart: :heart: She is a pit x boston terrier. Loves everyone and all other dogs.

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If I didn’t love rescues so much, and only wanted a pure bred dog, I would choose a beagle. The are awesome with kids and absolutely love everyone and everything. They do have a very stubborn streak, follow their nose, difficult to train due to seemingly ADHD lol. Yes I have had beagles before and love them so much.

The best dog I ever had was a yellow lab/cocker spaniel mix. Amazing bird dog, both on the field she’d point like a pro and wait for her signal, and she was an absolute machine at retrieving in water and underbrush. She outdid every other breed of dog because she was the perfect size to get through tangles and snags, but not so small we risked losing track of her. She was on par with a Brittany size wise but had a massive chest from her lab momma. Strong as an ox for 38lbs of nothin’ Smart as a whip, analyzed everything. Had her 17.5 years until she got tired of our antics and decided to ditch us for the great dog bone in the sky.

Now I have a Great Pyrennees/Akbash/Kangal Shepherd mix. I wanted a slower paced, more chill dog that would essentially lay around and be a derp without as much need for physical stimulation. 100% got what I asked for, she is soooooo slow. So slow. A half mile walk takes us 30 minutes. However, we definitely get noticed on those walks. She is gigantic and most definitely earns us a wide berth by anyone in our path. We make fun of her and call her our goth queen because she has pure white fur with the really embellished dark outlines around her eyes that looks like she overdid the eyeliner and mascara. She’s also super emotional compared to our former pup. She takes every word and every light scolding to heart and sulks about it. We have to be very careful not to hurt her feelings because she can get depressed and anxious if she feels like we’re judging her. Which is an absolute trip. Good thing she’s not a therapy dog, because she’d need a therapy dog.

But my favorite dog breed? All of them.


And Staffordshire Bull Terriers are the nanny dogs in England. They are awesome around kids. BUT they are somehow put into the pitbull class because of their looks.

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Never understood the breed preference thing, they’re not cars or shoes. All good boys and girls imo

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they are all good boys and girls

but different breeds have different traits, energy levels, and needs. owning a 200 pound dog and owning a 20 pound dog are very, very different experiences. not every breed or type is right for every person.




I suppose a bird hunter isn’t looking for a Yorkie but I feel like anytime I hear this discussion irl it always sounds like people talking about how they want the newest Tesla model or something. Fair enough though

Jack Russell

Great Dane and Corgi

It’s definitely not Pitbulls. Worst dog breed in the world.


It’s not just about if the dog is right for your family, but also if your family is right for the dog.

Some dogs have special needs that are difficult for some people to meet, like long hair that needs expensive grooming on a regular basis, or they cannot be left alone, like ever
 some need a cooler climate to be comfortable, and others don’t like children or cats

is this a general question or is it a pet or mount idea

A worgen, or course.

naw there’s a noticeable difference in temperament and traits with every dog breed

Kind of similar to different types of bears and big cats all around the world. It all depends on the traits and behavior that they were bred for.

Can’t get around science


Neither do Shihtzus, or at least very much. You just need to get their hair cut and groomed every 2-3 months. That’s the trade-off.

That said, I <3 my Pomchi. Sweetest dog I ever had with the best parts of both a cat and a dog. Small enough to sit comfortably on your lap , soft and cuddly, and super loving and loyal. Great watchdog too.

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