What is your favorite dog breed?



I cant bring myself to choose a favorite, i really think they’re all swell except pitbulls because they maul so many people to death every year :(.

Schnauzer 4 Lyfe



German shepherd ,best breed I know of and a good companion to the end.

Shallow people choose breeds. Adopt, dont shop.


Whichever dog tastes best is the breed of choice for me.

I prefer larger athletic dogs because their meat is lean and tastes great.

I love shelter dogs, they don’t have a breed, they are usually all mixed breeds. My dog is a husky/shepard, possibly shiba inu or malamute, or possibly coyote/ wolf mix.


Considering I have 2 Siberian Huskies, i’ll go with that.

Not really a dog person, love my huskies because they have the personality of a cat. Or a toddler. They don’t act like pathetic obedient dogs that just do whatever they are told. Mine will listen to what I say, think about it first, then maybe listen, maybe not, they decide

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Boston Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers.

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That’s a pretty ignorant response. Some people “shop” for a reason.

  1. Rescues rarely have “puppies” - some people like myself own cats, and need dogs to grow up from puppies raised with cats so I don’t have to worry about the dog harming the cat.

  2. Allergies. I needed a dog breed with longer fur, as shorthair dogs cause me to breakout in hives.

  3. Rescues around me rarely have dogs, and if they do, you need to “win the lottery” to be chosen to adopt as many people apply. They also don’t tend to adopt to people with cats, or kids. I have both.

There are a lot of reasons why people choose to buy a puppy vs adopt. As long as you buy a purebred, from a responsible breeder and not some “designer breed” like a Pomsky or something, I think buying a puppy is fine.


poodles ftw.

they look cute enough hot girls dig em.

i can take it duck hunting.

it can be protective enough to gaurd the house.

and its extremely smart an loving.

they dont shed / cause they have hair not fur.

Also i only own female dogs. there just better at most things.

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Fortunately dogs don’t bark at nothing. Some of them bark at everything though. :upside_down_face:


Also, a lot rescues are a bit nervous and your local humane society almost always describes them on their website as needing to go to a quiet home without any other pets or children.

I have pets and children.

no all imbread an muts should be removed from the breeding gene pool.

they create disease and imperfection

When I was a kid, my grandparents had two male Yorkies. I was traumatized when I saw them pleasurably ‘borking’ each other.

I still get PTSD whenever a random dog rubs itself up and down my leg.

I now prefer cats and hamsters.

I love wolfie

seeing as i’ve had two border collies. ima go with border colly.


Border Collie


Nathan’s, followed closely by Hebrew National.


hmm… tough choice… :thinking:

well, i’ve grown rather fond of golden retrievers in recent years, but i used to have a couple beagles growing up, loved them to bits… although, my favorite breed of dog, are the mutts. both the kind that are just crossbreeds of others, and the kind you can’t even tell what their parents breeds were.

…and now i’m sad remembering all the dogs i had growing up… my beagle casey, my other beagle meeko, my golden retriever macey, my grandpa’s dog sparky (could’nt tell you what he was, he had terrier in him somewhere though!) and my little-old-man dog chubby… he was part basset hound, part… something. looked like snoopy. i miss them all dearly… :frowning:

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