What is your favorite dog breed?

Well aware, I’ve worked for international Mastiff breeders and rescues.

Due to the Romans and World Wars the Cane Corso for example was almost bred out of existance.

What we did to the breed of dog called the “Pug” is a crime against nature. They are cute tho.

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Me too! If I ever have another dog, it will 100% be another sheltie. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Mutts are best.


I don’t care for breeders or puppy mills.

I rescue Pits.

This is Norris (white, shar pei-pit) and Huggy Bear (brown, boxer-pit)


Yeah, I thought you were joking till I looked it up. To me, it didn’t look blue realy.

so aw inspiring, and poetic that singer is.

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Not a dog person, but Borzoi. I liked them before it was cool.

It’s dangerous for me to point out dogs were once wild, have a history of violence, and have the ability to kill a person? That dog breed doesn’t automatically make the dog a killer?

PS - I wouldn’t leave a child alone around a cat or a dog, so if you want to talk about assumptions how about we start there.

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I like Worgens

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Whatever kind doesn’t bark incessently at nothing

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do you want these in game as mounts or hunter pets

Best dogs ever.

As long as you give them the exercise they need



They look like mops!

Probably a retriever. Although I can say for a certainty, that my least favorite is the pomeranian cause I got bit by one at work.

Labrador retriever. Had them growing up. Absolute idiots sometimes and they would eat themselves to death, but they were such derpy sweethearts.


Mine is about to be 8 years old. STILL has not calmed down. Lord have mercy on my soul.

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Collies all the way. Our firat collie was technically a rescue. We were watching him for a few weeks which became a few months. His owner wanted him back but just left him in the backyard of his old house. We ended up taking him. He was only 8 years old and lived to be 15.

We had two more collies after him who made it to 13 and 14. We got two more after they died who are going to be a year in a few weeks.