What is your favorite class?

Pretty much the title! What’s your favorite class and why? Whether it be that they’re good in PvE or PvP or that you don’t care about that and just play for fun. I’m looking to take my first character from 50-60 and I wanna know what are some fun classes? I don’t care if they’re good I just like stuff with cool abilities.

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Night Elf Blood Deathknight.

I have fangs.



Goblin rogue. That stealth animation.


I have been a human Paladin since I first played D&D around 1980. Game after game. Table, computer, online.


Warlock will always be my favorite class. I like playing a dark sorcerer/sorceress wielding chaotic magics and commanding demons to do my bidding.

For the Black Harvest!


Every battle field has its need for fighters and warriors on the frontline.

You will always find me there.


My favorite varies with what I’m doing. I love hunters. I’ve actually made more than one and I specialize each. Right now my main is a marksmanship hunter. Why? I love fighting from a distance, being able to move and fight instead of having to stand still. The variety of skills you use, damage, interrupt, traps, and so forth. If you have a Vulpera hunter you can leave your camp in one place (such as Oribos) and set your heartstone at your covenant. That’s handy.

I also love playing warlocks and druids. Druids are very versatile. They have a travel form and stealth which is great in PvE . I haven’t played druid in PvP yet but they are good in PvP. Warlocks lack some of the things I enjoy with hunters and druids but are still fun to play.

I enjoyed playing my demon hunter in BfA but haven’t taken her to SL yet. I like the mobility and high damage output.


Hunter. I just like being the archer in rpgs. Which is odd because in hunting games I hate archery with a burning passion lol.


I like this one. I like several of them.

Hunters = easy, quick world content play
Mages = they throw fire balls and blow stuff up from the inside with arcane
Rogues = you can skip anything you don’t want to do by stealthing, & they are quick-paced melee play style that always shows well for DPS.

but Druids. Druids can do anything. I can jump off of a cliff and turn into a bird. I can turn into a cat and run faster. I can become a bear and immediately increase my health pool and survive things. I can be one of the best healers in the game for just about any scenario. I can tank or melee or ranged, as well.

If you roll a druid, my recommendation is that you go Tauren, and here’s why:

1.) They’re adorable.
2.) They have +2% crit to heals and damage
3.) They have faster herb gathering, and if you have a druid, it’s almost a moral imperative that you farm herbs because you can do it in travel form. It’s…the most gloriously OP thing we do.
4.) You can put flowers in their hair. That is all.

Druids are the most fun I’ve had in a very long time, and despite having mained this one for nearly two years, I’m not itching to swap. I’m actually leveling one Horde side right now, too, so that I have one on my Horde server.

They’re awesome.


Death knights. Glory to papa Arthas the true lich king!

The sky’s turn red with the blood of the fallen! The Lich King watches over us minions. Leave only ashes and misery in your destructive wake!

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Worgen Combat Rogue. I tried giving Outlaw a shot, but it’s awful. I can’t anymore with this game, so my time is limited on these forums.


I’m playing priest, but my guilty pleasure is monk.


Blood Elf Demon Hunter. I am the terror which flaps (well glides) in the night!


It’s a Hard Lock Life.

And as well. This :point_up:


I’ve been Thunderstruck!!


My favorite Class is Dancer. In Soul Caliber 3 that is Voldo’s Job/Class

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Been playing this guy since wrath and he became my main in cata

I better like this class, or else I got a weird case of stockholm syndrome

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1000% Mage.

In fact, this guy is my O.G., the character I made at the start of the game and is still my main.

My thing has always been magic, in particular wizards, mages, those old guys that are clever, witty, and help those who are trying to change the world by working those little miracles of magic that can change the tide of nearly any situation.

Not necessarily the “stars” of the show, but the people who help them along.

Plus I’m a huge fun a strategy and puzzles, both of which fit into the mystique of mages; I can’t just run up and pummel a foe, I have to think about it first, determine a plan (and likely a few backups), and give it a go.

While the current iteration of Mages isn’t exactly what it used to be, it’s still the closest to this theme that currently exists so it’s where I stay. :grin:

Getting into more practical details:

  • Teleports are AWESOME
  • I thoroughly enjoy making my own food and being able to share w/others
  • Being able to share Intellect is always cool
  • All Mage specs have decent utility which makes it fun to strategize one-on-one battles as well as group fights
  • All of that utility is also nice when playing in groups; I like being the guy that helps keep an eye on the Healer and protect them if things go awry
  • Plus it’s super fun helping out other players as I travel the world, which can range from booping a mob at a distance to help with a kill, save someone from a grip of mobs, or even providing a quick portal

Edit: Realized that while I described the general theme of why I love Mages, I forgot to include actual practical details, lol


I made an undead death knight just because it made me laugh.

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This guy was also undead during wrath

The fact they have a weird squeaky voice instead of the usual deeper DK voice drove me crazy after a while

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