What is your favorite class?

Warlock, OP or utterly broken, i’ll always stick with it.


Holy Priest. I know it’s not meta but I love the spec and class.


I always return to paladin. Prot is so much fun.

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Mistweaver monk. We might not be in a great spot right now but I love the play style of the spec!

Although I did just level a Holy Paladin and that may give my monk a run for her chi.



I like the class fantasy and the elemental powers .

Hope elemental gets a rework someday and can be more lightningtastic and less lava.


Being a druid helps you understand how you are part of something greater; beyond politics or agendas you’re part of existence itself.
Also helps that I can conjoke my way through anything.

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People will not ride me IRL, but jump on the opportunity to do so in game.

Druid is BiS.

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Death Knights I like their lore and abilities. I been playing dual wield Frost Death Knight even if its not a popular spec I ENJOY it.
Suffer Well!


No, it’s a Hard Death Knight Life.

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Priests! I love playing Holy and they have some of the best Tier pieces <3

Also, RP wise, Auchenai are just so dope.


you’d like shadow priest maybe. you’re just more of an old god cultist as spriest compared to a chaos magic wizard


Used to be hunter in the earlier days and later became warrior Wotlk era. I was survival hunter during vanilla - bc, but when they nerf down my melee damage I used to crit high in bc. I lost interest because now I have to rely on range than have melee and range doing good damage in pvp. Warrior took over that slot and their gameplay got better ever since while Survival just went some magical random route.

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I like casters, especially ones that cast lightning magics. So that makes shaman my favorite. That said, I have been enjoying rogue a lot. Outlaw has grown on me though I wish I could hide my off hand weapon since the spec uses a pistol a lot.

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Try and play other classes but I always return to warrior. Smash things in the face with a shield, charging things. Sword & board. There’s just nothing else like warrior. Some people got a warrior in them, some people don’t :wink:

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I do not really have a favorite class, but any of the melee classes are awesome. I love the mage as the best caster for me, and hunters are also really fun to play and level.

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My favourite class is a warlock. Do I have him leveled to 60. Nope


As someone that plays solo mostly, I like all classes - except for Warrior - they just don’t have the survivability of the other classes…

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My top three are shaman, warrior, and warlock.

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Shaman for life. Everything about their aesthetics to the way they play is just overall awesome.

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