It’s an absurd fallacy that you think BM is a 3-button spec.
Hasn’t been for three expansions.
Ret, Arcane, Fury, Devastation, and Balance all have an easier rotation to play (there are likely others I just don’t play them myself).
This! I have alts. I play other rotations. BM is not even close to the easiest. I do think its a boring rotation. It’s not exciting, it doesn’t feel particularly good to press the buttons. Maybe bestial wrath but even that is just meh. But there are plenty of specs with easier rotations. Heck MM is easier than BM and has one cast spell otherwise it’s just as mobile as BM. Even that spell procs often so you can move and dps.
Hunters: REWORK PET CLASS. it is insane that every single hunter in pvp is using the same undead raptor. VARIETY!
Bliz: Makes Huntsmasters Call. So the only pets visible are three clones of a giant wolf were TRULY all stuck with… ontop of darkhounds…
Hunters: Our reliance on a dot, barbed shot, for pet damage is just an annoying mechanic, forces us into haste, and makes zero sense…
Bliz: Surprise! Heres 6 more mandatory dots to manage pet dps!
Hunters: Plz give our pets more than just KC and basic attack…
Bliz: Makes pack leaders only ability, that it gives more KC and basic attacks… not even aditional pets… for that see darkrangers…
Hunters: We ALL hate kill shot. its not tuned right and noone uses it…
Bliz: Makes it a talent that must be chose to progress through the tree… and then makes the KC equivilant of kill shot mandatory for our one good CD wild call
This. Bring back survival as it was before that idiot ruined it. There is even a video of him boasting how he did it!!! He was fired, but his crap endured.
I don’t know that tossing a debuff onto a boss that is only in effect for the first 20% of its health and triggers gcd is “skill expression”. In raids sure, makes sense, whatever I guess. But in every other situation it just feels so tedious.
There are other ways to express skill in beast mastery. I’ve become an absolute ninja at using disengage in weird ways as just one example.
This is a major part of design that Blizzard misses a lot.
For example, Soul Harvester functionally feels effing phenomenal to play. You play it and it synergises with its-self. From there they’re able to tune knobs (as they have recently), and low and behold it still feel good to play (this is with 20% nerfs which were absolutely necessary). It addresses Warlock’s major pain point as a class: Movement. Lots of instant casts, there’s a sense of freedom.
Whoever designed it saw the big picture and planned it all out holistically. They need to habitually focus on how good something feels, then tune from there.
From what I’m seeing, Dark Ranger has finally (in 11.0.5) had a similar treatment, from what I’m hearing it feels good. I’m seeing similar hallmarks there.
But then we have confounding design choices in baseline specs like BM (Their AoE is just a mess from mechanics point of view with makes balancing just…weird to untangle), and MM (Aimed Shot feels horrible to press and it always has).
I don’ know…there’s clearly separate people working on certain specific Hero specs, and some intern dart boarding core specs like BM, and then some stubborn people who refuse to divorce themselves from archaic approaches like Aimed Shot.
tl;dr: It feels like there are too many cooks in the kitchen and two of those cooks could burn water.
We lost a lot of epic designs that could have been legendary: Mad Bombardier, Basilisk Collar, and even Marky Marks of Legion, but because they didn’t fe~eeee~el good we paid and bought the entire multi-million dollar failtugboat.
So when FEELINGS didn’t get in the way, we had powerful DPS metrics. You start to see real quick how noncompetitive Hunters are in comparison to the others.