WHAT is wrong with you You killed BM

I made an Earthen Ret Paladin when I unlocked the race. Leveled him to 71 just by exploring (flying) a bunch of zones. Got him some gear at 71 from the AH, face rolled him to 80 doing insane amounts of DPS…I was shocked.

They are so much easier to play and do well…and getting buffed? smh

Are we still taking basilisk collar after the nerfs?

Blizzard wants to diversify the class population so they nerfed BM to get the hunter population down and other classes up.

Welcome to the dark side. :blush:


Well, to be honest, BM hasnt been performing the whole expansion. Only under high end, single target, completely buffed, perfect raid groups does it even perform. They nerfed Basilisk collar instead of just straight up removing it. That is the only fault I see here. They can buff all damage later.

Istolilly/Jackalswind isn’t Snozay, he’s the resident hunter class weirdo. Reminder to everyone in this thread that it’s best to put him on ignore because he’ll never, ever stop replying, or start making sense, and as the old adage goes, “never argue with an idiot, they’ll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

He derails entire threads every time he appears and is a prime contributor to the toxicity of this forum. He gets banned fairly regularly and we get a few months of peace, but unfortunately his most recent ban has just expired and he’s back.


Bm slaps in raid full stop currently I don’t get the need to lie when the situation is already grim what are you gaining.

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Okay snozay alt. Whatever you say


Prove it.

You argue that they’re automatically not going to be smarter than you and the past “generation” to not make that mistake. You just got off on the wrong foot insulting their intelligence. You ought to apologize.

You know what? These seem like a smart bunch. I hadn’t had any issues so far–they’re busy enough–and I think that means the legend himself won’t be having any. Good job telling them they won’t rate, like you probably didn’t.

You’re only talking about how Jackal got pinched 5-6 times last year, that it got so bad he had to go into “the program”. That didn’t even work because legendary players like him are going to have like legendary enemies. 2023 as anyone would know was not a happy year, but that’s in the past now. This new generation doesn’t even remember. If you want helpful constructive advice: let it go. Give a real hoot and don’t pollute.

Look at World First. WHo’s the Top 2 DPS they have? A BM Hunter. Must be amazing to play them for Single Targets. They nerfed it becoz it’s OP.

You realize that was because they were the PI targets, right?

Go look right now at Warcraft logs and Exclude Extternal buffs for Mythic Kyveza, a pure ST fight. The top 5 spots are Enhancement Shaman, then 3 Arcane Mages, THEN a BM hunter.

So is BM very good ST, yes. OP?, not in the slightest. This nerf will stop them from being used at all.


It cracks me up that people don’t understand this. It is however very concerning that Blizzard doesn’t understand this.

I don’t understand why Power Infusion still exists, just get rid of it.


Yes get rid of PI… the only reason BM single target data is performing well is because of PI and powerful 2min on-use trinkets. If you filter out external buffs for individual bosses, BM is not out performing other specs. Unfortunately, warcraft logs doesn’t allow for these filters when looking at the overall statistics page.


How did BM was chosen to be PI targets? Why not others? Becoz BM’s ST is supreme.

Wrong. Because BM benefits more from the haste and have a 2min CD that doesn’t get CDR so syncs with PI. BM ST damage is good (at least it will be for two more days before Blizzard kills it) but not great and you need to stop peddling the fallacy.

Moreover, even if it were godly (which it isn’t) consider the damage output that other classes can deliver into AoE/Cleave while still doing good ST damage and compare with BM’s problem of being unable to do both.


Can you show me those specs/classes who tops on both AoE and ST? Lets all play them. Why is a full raid not full of them? Why are they not banning BM?

Why was BM even chosen to do for World First if other Classes are WAY BETTER?

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How many times do people have to explain that BM benefits most from PI, and because they are actually tuned without PI, with PI they become top DPS.

Some spec has to be the best PI target. There will always be one. Why is that if BM happens to be that target then they MUST be nerfed?


You don’t know how to read Warcraft Logs do you?
You could go and do some content and you’d see them, you know, if you were capable.
Mages, Warlocks, Shaman (both Elemental and Enhancement), Fury Warriors, Ret Paladins - they can all compete with BM on a boss while leaving you in the dust the moment there’s any more than one target.

As for why BM was chosen for World First, that’s a really easy question to answer but I suspect it will be beyond your comprehension.
(1) Hunter’s Mark is a required Raid Buff so one hunter will always come.
(2) BM has strong single target damage, a 2min CD that syncs with PI and BM is a spec that benefits comparably more than other specs from increased haste.
(3) Since BM can’t do any cleave damage it can be leveraged into a high boss damage niche role through a strategy that allows for it by covering for it’s lack of add damage with other classes that excel in that role.
(4) That means the question is does MM or Surv provide enough add/cleave damage to push out a Fury Warrior or Frost DK? The answer of course is no, not even close.

But that’s the world first end. The problem here is not about world first, it is about the 98% of the player base that don’t work at that level so have to be “good all-rounders” because we don’t min-max to the nth degree and can’t put together a raid team skilled enough and diverse enough to cover for the deficiencies of the spec.

Blizzard gutted the BM spec way back on 30-July, and is now burying it and defecating on its grave with the 9-Oct changes.


GD. That’s a good summary.


But the World First showed everyone how to utilize BM.

For practical purposes, it just means you have to use BM for ST on Raids… and switch to MM or Surv for AoE Boss fights. You wont be competing for World First anyway. Why worry if BM is not top 1 on ST? Why worry if MM or Surv is not top 1 on AoE? If you really want to push for top 1 on ST, you just copy how the World First did it.

If BM got nerfed slightly, did you not look if other top DPSers on World First got nerfed too?

How about other Classes who were not eveb chosen for World First? What are we gonna do with them? Delete them?

That basic strat could be used for M+ compositions where you would need BM for Boss kills and let other 2 DPSers handle all the AoE.

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I already answered that for you.