What is wows most neglected class

From a purely mythic+ perspective I’d say Hunter. Worst defensives in the game, no self sustain, conditional and awful mob disruption, a long cd kick. And they’re the only class in the game that has to lose a defensive to provide utility (lust).

Overall probably goes to shaman.

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Shaman and Monk where fighting pretty hard for the top spot but TWW stuff so far leaves Shaman in the lead by a good bit I would say.

When it comes to responses Monk is still pretty high on the “it doesn’t exist” list.


Have a look at the TWW patch notes.

See a class missing from all of them?


And even if you want to quibble about hunter as a class, survival is pretty undeniably the most ignored spec in the game.

Currently they’re even keeping their melee range bonus talents in TWW despite ‘all melee classes having range boosts removed’. Just completely forgotten.


I think the best way to answer this is to address weapon animations. Most other mmos gives their melee combat weapons sleek stylized animations that looks cool for even just basic attacks, while big heavy hitting cooldowns and combos gets a unique over the top animation. For example, FF14s ninja has an ability that makes you leap onto the targets shoulders to plunge your daggers down into its neck. A practical attack? Heck no. Flashy and awesome? Oh heck yes!

WoW, however, well, rogue melee animations tend to be more… generic. For the most part they just wave their arms around and occasionally do a bit of a spin or something. The closest to a stylised flashy melee attack was that “Death From Above” skill they had for a while that made them jump up high then zoom down on the target.

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Ima need to see the support documents for this one


This part is just dump so many AoE and stuff to dodge having some extra range bonus allow melee to keep on attacking while moving and dodging all the AoE Damage and puddle that damage you and getting from from spigeful. But no blizzard have to remove the range for melee for some reason. If that’s the case they should make all range class only have a range 25 yards like evokers.

Currently it is DK, but it is getting a rework in TWW.

Lol I can see the balance roundtable convo like this:

“Survival hunter is pretty low. How do we fix?”

“Make it a ranged melee! Remove the extra reach from the other melee classes!”

“Wow! So in a way we are fulfilling the desires of the ranged survival enjoyers and fixing the issues with the spec without even touching the mess it is!”


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DKs are so stuck in 2008 we are still listening to Flo Rida.

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Agree. I don’t even play mine anymore. They need help.

Hey the songs were good! Go search for Flo Rida right now hahahhahaha

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It’s almost always been Shaman, Rogue, Monk, Feral Druid. Other classes have had moments where they’ve been left for dead though of course. I assume it it’s a vicious cycle where these are not highly played so Blizzard doesn’t change too much and focuses on and prioritizes the highly played classes and specs.


Monk, and it’s not even a discussion. Monk is generally rated by how many or how few bugs are currently present for them and their abilities.

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I’d say survival hunter personally. I haven’t seen any love for that class except for minor patch notes in so long (3% increase in dmg and such)

Haah dont pretend that paladins dont wear a bob and ask to see the manager aswell :wink:


No one gets a bigger shaft than hunters and shamans.


So… warriors havent even been mentioned i might have to play one see what im missing out on. Not sure if i can play another expansion and ragequit a few weeks in because of bad shamans are.

If I was going to pick the most neglected I’d pick Rogue. If I was going to pick the class that has been the biggest Karen about being neglected it would be Shaman though.

Weird take.

“Shaman are vocal about being ignored.”

You realize we have had an expansion launch in recent history where they literally told shaman “sorry , we ran out of time to even look at you”

Rogue has a long history of regularly being a top class. Shaman don’t.


most neglected? mmm…shaman feels neglected. atleast, it did last time i played my shammy… which was back in shadowlands.

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