What is wows most neglected class

As an ENTIRE class? Shaman by a mile.


Shaman and Rogue, imo.

I used to play these classes.

Why’d I stop?

Because they still aesthetically look the same as from 2008.

Paladins get all these new racial mounts, yet Ghost Wolf still looks like crap lol.

Rogues, they just aren’t flashy enough for me to play lol, I did enjoy their gameplay.


How does one make rogue more flashy i feel like the be zooming all over the place when i play arena.

Idk, maybe it’s my own personal tastes.

I just feel that aside from maybe Smoke Bomb, rogues just aren’t that noticeable lol.

They get good sets, but I just think their abilties lack the same appeal as other classes, just my opinion.

I’d say hunter and shaman by far. No other class comes close, survival has been abandoned since legion, weapon illusions don’t even work onr anged weapons, and the mobility creep has left hunter in the dust.
Shaman still has a god damn cataclysm model for its ascendance spell. lmao


nah is hunter. NO rework and no major changes since Legion. Gutted range SV and put together a badly design melee SV. Took away Double tap from MM and give them something useless in return. All three hunter specs and the class tree need major rework. Traps is an old concept that does not work in morden WoW and blizzard refuse to redsign them.

BM is only play due to the fact is doing decent damage but the game play is boring not fun haven’t change much again since legion.

All three hero talent tree lacks any new design, most of them are passive and full with % buff which should been baseline. Compare hunter to mage, warlock, pally, DK to the hero talent and you see why hunter are so bad


If you’re counting all the way back to Vanilla, either Paladin or Shaman.

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Hunters! Remember the range issue they can’t use range attach when you are too close so they have to melee but also there is a gap where melee weapons can’t reach you and they also can’t shot you becasue you are too close.

There is no class issue in Ba Sing Se.


Do all classes and specs get blue threads? Rogue seems to be on the tail end of tww hero talents aswell.

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Shaman and hunter. Hunter def got neglected hard in tww with a flashy dark ranger that does nothing to reallt add to that fantasy.


Shaman. They never forgave the two handed vanilla windfury one shotting of mages.


This character still has scars from that time.


If I wanted to be unequivocally serious, I’d say shadow priest

The general lack of love shamans get is particularly strange to me because few classes have such clear and identifiable spec fantasies as all three shaman specs and the devs can’t figure that out. For some reason, they they feel the need to development the specs away from their classic themes and into directions the majority of the players are not interested in.


Recently I’ve come to believe it’s hunter, which is also weird because it’s probably the most played class on the game.


demon hunters

shamans need a tank spec please blizz


Appearance wise, definitely shaman. Correct me if I’m wrong, but our elementals are close to or already at the legal age to get a driver’s license in the US. And there’s so many different types of elemental models already in the game. Warlock demons and druid forms, there’s a ton.


I must reiterate yet again that Shaman players are the “Karens” of WoW.