What is wows most neglected class

half of 0 is 0

MW monks got so much more than 0 in DF.

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only after they got ignored so hard that it started to cause actual problems.


So I still wish shaman got atleast half that attention.

Which is infinitely more than we get atm.

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Havoc has been the most ignored class since release.

I just saw the pre-patch PTR TWW notes. I literally gasped when I got down to Shaman after reading and scrolling through SO MANY UPDATES and info about every other class and every spec of every other class.

Then we get to shaman, with a little paragraph blurb for restoration only.

I am just in awe.

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Lol the beta notes didn’t even have a shaman section

I still want my damn Combat rogue back.

Or at the very least let me spec out of RtB and glyph the stupid gun into a crossbow or throwing knife.


you are joking right?


well maybe now that they’ve recalled hunters are a class they’ll be giving shaman something

nah who am i kidding mages need their 11th rework; it’s already been 20 minutes since the 10th

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brewmaster monk

Shaman has not had any updates or changes in atleast… 10 years? If not longer… Every single class has had some sort of updates and reworks, inovation and changes to their class…

Meanwhile shaman has been pretty much the same since Cata / Mop

Next runner up is Hunter

He speaks facts. Worst part is there’s honestly zero communication about it.

I’m sure it’s a huge kick at the offices, they get to laugh and talk about all the shaman rage posts over coffee on a Tuesday before the 9th rework of ____