What is with Alliance in EotS?

I think it’s bigger than 5% in bgs

two CC racials (one being hard cc vs casters) + two anti CC racials vs a soft cc trinket that can fail and dwarfs. CC is king for pvp and horde has it and more ways to counter.

As a druid I would trade SM for a free cyclone or heal cast. Or as feral a multi stun into cyclone/heal.

Blizzard is toxic company that cares about nothing but money. PvP is a ruin and they do nothing about it. If you look it’s ungeared alliance vs arena geared horde premaids. Gear catch up is laughable. It took me 75 marks of AV honor to get enough honor to buy PvP sword on a rogue alt. I have nothing to do with these marks now. Quest to trade marks for honor is removed. They’re listening :rofl:

It’s less comp, and more ally not properly dealing with the DR zerg early. I’ve seen this horde v ally, and as HvH (on both ally and horde side).

Generally, ally split between MT and DR( with 1/2 mid), and don’t have enough to stop the 10 horde players zerging DR. It causes a 3-1 cap and then some players immediately afk, causing it to worsen. It also means horde can basically ghost BET and focus on defending dr/fr, or pushing flag /mt. The game is settled in the first minute.

The only time i see ally win is if they counter zerg the opposite tower. So MT → FR, and then either BET or flag. It starts the game off 2-2 and keep people actually invested in the game. Then there’s actually a chance of winning by 2 capping and flag running, as the horde will give up if they don’t think its an immediate easy win


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