What is with Alliance in EotS?

Almost every game is an absolute blowout. We never get the flag and are luck to hold even one base all game. :scream:

All Horde victories are due to the graveyard for the Fel Reaver Ruins being inside the capture radius. GGGGGGGGGGGG.

Welcome to unbalanced MMO PvP. Hello. You must be new here.

drek or kek!

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Itā€™s simple. The people who want to pvp more seriously, more competitively are horde. They have better racials that give them that 5% advantage. Alliance players are typically less inclined to be competitive pvpers.

So, statistically, the people you see in bgs for horde are people who play to win, and for alliance, are people who play to have fun. As an alliance player who does play competitively, i understand that there are others like me on the alliance side, but far fewer and more rare than the horde side.

Along with faster ques making it easier to lose a game and get into another one, TOPPLED with the fact that honor rates are so slow that it takes so long to get gear, which is almost at this point required to have fun. Making it pointless to put up a fight if it means that losing actually means getting honor faster which means that getting gear is faster which means that you can live for more than a cheap into a kidney stun, which means you can actually play the game which means thats when the fun actually begins.

Itā€™s a vicious cycle. As an alliance player, you just -have- to get used to it. There is absolutely no incentive to try harder when the reward gets worse when you prolong the match. Especially if statistically you lose more often by a marginal amount.

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Funny cause I always lose eots

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HvH doesnā€™t count. :rofl:

If it makes you feel better my horde guildies were recently complaining about how bad battlegrounds have been for them, complaining about 15 losses in a row and such.

I donā€™t know any more, like how many of those games were against premade or HvH, Iā€™ve only been doing BGs in SoM lately.

The same GY that disappears half the time? :rofl:

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You mentioned the flag, which means you cared the flag. Thatā€™s why you lose.

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The lulz factor in EOTS is significantly lower in TBC than WoTLK due to the lack of Thunderstorm and Monsoon.


Flag caps can totally win PuG games and have done so many times before. The whole ā€œonly way to win is 3 nodesā€ is bolognaā€”at least in PuG vs. PuG

Same for holding BS in ABā€”sure itā€™s the meta strat for RBGā€™s or any team that has commsā€¦but is absolutely not the only way to win when doing PuG vs. PuG BGs.


Iā€™ve lost so many games because people desperately want the 3 cap and run in circles capping bases while horde keep up by recapping and having 2 while capping flag.

As alliance I lose most AB and EOTS and win most WSG and AV. Seems pretty fair I guess. At least I get some level 55 bread when I win.


90% win is 3-1 and 90% lose is 1-3. It is that simple.

Yeah, but usually Alliance will tunnel mid all game without getting a single flag cap.

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Itā€™s really not that simple. As the previous poster saidā€”oftentimes the opposing team will try and 3 cap but loses because the team they are facing just rotates and holds 2 and controls mid for flag caps. You have to be reactive. Anyone holding one node and capping flag is being dumb anyways. You want at least 2.

Same for ABā€”Iā€™ve seen people get so fixated on holding BS that they end up only holding BS and one other node the whole game while the opposing team has 3 nodes that donā€™t include BS.

Yeah thatā€™s just silly, Iā€™ve seen that happen too. But Iā€™ve won a TON of PuG vs. PuG games with 2 nodes and flag runs.

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The fact is that the only way to reliably win with 3 capping is if your team is simply stronger than the other. You have to be faster at capping the third base and your team has to be more capable of holding even while at a numbers disadvantage while the team rotates.

Its definitely the ā€œbestā€ way to win, but relying on a pug group to simply be better at winning fights is silly. Its fine to start the match by rushing for that third base, but if you get stopped and forced back to the graveyard or they just keep up with caps you have to adjust.

From my experience alliance is just worse at fighting. Its why WSG goes a lot better for me than the others because WSG can be won by playing well around the flag even if you are losing fights in mid. Against mediocre teams I can basically force a 30+ minute game on my druid even if my team is mostly useless.


I agreeā€”I think the ā€œbestā€ strat for a team with comms or a pre-made is 3 nodes. But in the PuG vs. PuG games it can get pretty disorganized and you can pull off wins with the other strat if your team can adjust properly.

If you are not trying to push a 3rd, and the other keep pushing, you always lose.

The only situation you win with 2 base and flags is the other team is much weaker. For a even game, who pushs towers more, who wins.